Editing Dahl and others

There’s a good children’s book that teaches this important lesson about confidence and integrity. It’s by Roald Dahl. So it has a lot of implied sex and he calls characters “f-t b- - - hes” and “n - - - - rs” and “k - - - s” and what not throughout. But I’m not a parent so I can’t really speak on it.

my biggest fear in life is that they try to cancel home alone.

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Did you search out a UK first edition of And Then There Were None so you could read it with the original title on the cover?

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Oh shit I forgot about the Loompas. They were slaves. I always feel weird calling stuff like that “racist” because that seems to undersell it. Like the Zwarte Piet thing, the troubling thing about that isn’t the “blackface”, it’s that their Santa has a slave. The Dutch were so horny for slavery they gave their Santa a slave.

Ten Little African-Americans?

Grift Idea: sell Nazi memorabilia like Nazi plates and shit to people who like their Nazi plates with a little less Nazi.

Spoiler alert: just sell them regular ass plates but tell them that they used to have swastikas and shit just all over them.

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People are always like “wow how did this tiny country with funny shoes become such a wealthy world player? Must have been good at trading, uh, trading stuff. Yeah, stuff and… things. Commodities. Inanimate fucking objects.”

Before today I never thought I’d be in a position wanting yet failing to explain how altering an artist’s work without their permission, for profit, not a creative endeavor, is so unethical, when the alternatives are simply not engaging with it or leaving it as is.

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Welcome to the forums!

If you don’t like other people’s arguments, you’ll have to take it up with them. But it’s certainly not true that changes to an artistic work can only be judged by their commercial impact. If some overzealous curator at the Louvre started doodling pasties on all the naked women in paintings, people would find it to be a shocking and barbaric act of vandalism. You wouldn’t need to link it to censorship or Confederate memorials (seriously, how the hell did that get into this conversation??) or wait and see whether it goosed attendance numbers. It’s just a bad thing on its own.

It’s also fair to wonder whether Dahl’s heirs and soulless publisher goons have made a correct calculation that it’s going to be profitable to doodle on his works. Hopefully this will blow up in their faces.



You don’t really “get” “art” huh?


Then you didn’t come close to understanding the painting, or you’re someone who believes we should be editing history, and you believe we should just edit isnignias and guns out of confederate or nazi monuments, instead of un-monumentizing them

“Hey here’s a compromise, instead of stopping our tradition of revering this evil thing, why don’t we pretend it was never evil?”

Rather than go to the youtubes website and watch the clip, or, not watch it, I’d like to be presented with a non-age-restricted edit where the words and what not have been changed. This is a totally not ridiculous request.

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As a man of my word I am amending that statement.

@NoMatterWho trigger warnings are good. Rather than edit the Dahl books they should have warnings for whatever is triggering and then have the people, the children or their parents, decide on how to proceed.

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Wrong. They should have the Hitler statue say “this man was a nice man” and remove the swastikas and mustache, rather than moving the statue and putting the statue in context with explanations of all the bad things and how they happened


Ok I’m finally getting around to reading the actual edits. Please tell me they changed “fat” to “big-boned” that’d be fucking rad.

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Noted dog lover Hitler loved good boys the world over.

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I love this album except for all the songs about fucking and I’ve been waiting decades for an edit.

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