Editing Dahl and others

Yeah, the context of the previous convo really lends me to lead in the other direction

Lol literally nobody got upset when HBO said “rated R for strong violence and adult language” in the 80s and 90s but put a similar thing on a book and it’s all Brave New 1984.


Anyhow @NoMatterWho if you are saying that trigger warnings are slippery slope censorship or soft censorship that really hurts the argument. Trigger warnings are an alternative to censorship and really just a sensible and non-controversial practice. 99.99% of what people would have you believe a trigger warning is comes from fox news war-on-christmas-style fan fiction.

Like, say you’re a student and you have an hour in the study hall before your date tonight. Do you want to spend it doing your math homework or spend it reading about women and children getting raped in a war? I’m a total freak so I might prefer making the date conversation about some fucked up shit I was just reading 30 minutes prior, but most people would want at least a heads-up.

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Lol I wasn’t even gonna post the below. I had it typed and then decided to not even approach anything antagonistic but then you had to run your mouth.

Did you just take the affirmative side in the “We should have a bunch of statues of slavers and confederate generals and shit but don’t have any plaques saying they ruled and were totally awesome” proposal? A proposal that to my knowledge doesn’t actually exist?

That’s the goddamn point of the analogy!


im not angry u r angry

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Even if the edits were good, I don’t think it’s fine to use the legal system to keep the originals out of print, unless maybe some kind of more specific hypothetical involving the actual creator, not his ■■■■ fucking heirs and certainly not a bunch of empty suits



And that offends you

What best describes your opinion on the Dahl edits?
  • This is a bad idea but they should be allowed to do it.
  • This is a bad idea and they should not be allowed to do it.
  • This is not a bad idea.
  • I don’t know.
  • I don’t care.

0 voters

Cassette {observing a deeply weird situation}: That is a deeply weird situation, allow me to manufacture an analogous situation about confederate monuments out of thin air to show how deeply weird that is.

MrWookie {reading (?) Cassette’s presentation}: It sounds like you manufactured a situation out of thin air, one so deeply weird that it doesn’t exist in the realm of confederate monuments.



Absolutely wild that you went to “removing” from a quoted post about simply not making the effort to keep shoving it in front of kids

Also, people don’t think “kids are made uncomfortable by this so we should censor this”, they think “kids seem to learn from this that racism is not uncomfortable, so we should reconsider whether we want to use this book as a primary choice for light-hearted, lesson-free fare. If we use it at all, maybe we could consider it instead in a broader, teachable context, with a companion piece or two.”

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Tell the truth you put in more n-words right?

Cuz that’s what I do. I even changed ‘huckle’ in the title.


Misses the point that statues aren’t designed to fulfil the function of art but of commemoration. Of course removing them isn’t censorship. The right place for them is in museums alongside other artefacts of Imperialism and the slave trade.


You knocked out the “tell me you’ve never had a collectivist thought without telling me” and “tell me you’ve never looked at and liked a painting without telling me” challenges in one paragraph.

Here I thought rolling around on the floor like a tantruming toddler while shouting “THE PC POLICE JUST DON’T WANT TO EVER BE MADE UNCOMFORTABLE” was strictly a right wing reaction to people who think it might be a mistake to present bigoted things as comfortable fun to kids, without any context about how it can be not so fun or comfortable

I’m still grunching a bit so I’m not sure who’s saying what, but I think Alex is saying it’s good to own slaves and treat them how you want as long as it’s legal. I’m not entirely sure though, waiting to hear back.

Confession: I didn’t know until today that Dahl books are actually children’s books. I mean, I read a few of them but I also read a bunch of fucked up shit I probably shouldn’t have so early. Lol that mf William Wonka murders children! Sure, they were shitty, but every time I talk about murdering shitty children people look at me like I should be in jail, because it’s not something one discusses in polite society.

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There are a lot of good ways to teach children to be better. One of those, however, is not implying that if they’re shitty because their parents made them shitty then deeply mentally ill candy man William Wonka will murder them.