Drunk/High/Sober Venting Thread

The crazy thing is I had almost completely kicked the drinking until I went to law school at 29 10 years ago. Then my law school had an on-site bar that had events every weeknight just about. It wasn’t all schlubs showing up either. I remember getting hammered in the same room with Sandra Day O’Conner. Most of the time it was big law ghouls and I had no interest in that so fuck it might as well pregame there. Afterwards me and the rest of the misfits went to the bar. Rinse and repeat for 3 years and I haven’t been able to fully kick it yet.


lol u silly

just got to GOT to moderate.

gotta keep balance. and very importantly with mental health. seek out good stuff to counter the more upsetting stuff. perspective, baby.

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this forum likes to awfulize about everything, and you gotta recognize the threads that are about that and simply avoid them

If you could teach the world to moderate alcohol intake you would be a very rich man.


Well, I’ve smoked weed continuously for over a decade except when I had something to do that required me to be sober so I’m not the best example of moderation. I haven’t smoked in 3 weeks because I probably eventually have to get a job and take a drug test and the first few days were agonizing but once I got my appetite back its been a lot easier and I barely even miss it if I know I can’t smoke even as all of my roommates are smoking around me . If I tried to quit for a day but I had a weed pen and a volcano and an ounce there was absolutely no chance I could make it. The worst part about not smoking has been realizing that I’m still a lazy piece of shit and I can’t blame all of my problems on smoking anymore haha

Also I do the same thing with my doctor and weed smoking but I have to make it clear to them I didn’t smoke yet that day because I know they didn’t go through medical school to help people just to have my stoned ass show up and antagonize them with some bullshit like hey I respect your profession enough not to show up blazed thank you.

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Really the only thing that has successfully moderated my drinking was smoking tbh. That has been true lately even until Covid. I’ve been on a full guns blazing fest with both since March.

My plant I posted in the mJ thread is almost ready to harvest and dry so I have that to look forward to.

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My weirdness is that I can completely stop drinking for several months at a time but I don’t normally just have a beer or two. Like, beer makes me tired normally. So, I’ll go half a year with zero drinks then drink 4-5 nights a week like a super soak. Once my tolerance is decent after a break I need quite a bit to be buzzed or drunk too. Working and almost living at a dive bar in my 20s where shots all night were a regular occurrence is probably a factor.

Lately when I’m drunk during live streams I’ll blaze 3-5 RAW stuffed cones. Myself.

And it hasn’t been all bad. My wife and I designed and built a badass bar for a patio with this bullshit going on. It’s bottlecaps for the design with epoxy for the top and pallet wood for the base. I think it turned out pretty awesome.


I’m on the Wichita side of things. I can’t remember the last night I didn’t have at least one beer and one of my bartender friends (back from the days when you could go to a bar) trades me edibles for beer now


The tiredness and general discomfort from 1-2 beers is why I can’t do it. It’s fucking not for me.

I hope this does nothing to dismiss y’all’s experiences with substances.

My thread-appropriate vent is that my life is very good lately. It’s been on an upward trajectory the last few years. Yeah there have been roadblocks and unexpected obstacles, and sometimes I’m a trainwreck, but I’m very happy with what I have and hopeful for what’s next.


Risky you’re much needed here because through your posting I feel like you’re super optimistic but also realistic and that’s a good combo


You seem like a good dude and you deserve it!


Will anyone be sober on election night no matter the results? And yes I know the actual results can take weeks.

I’m going to be smashed. Either person being elected deserves it

The last two elections my wife and I go hike all day and then come home about the time polls close and get smashed. This time I don’t think I will be remotely chill enough to do that and fully expect to vote and spend the whole day drinking. Pretty much what I did on Super Tuesday.

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I almost died choking on puke and then laid in bed for three days. Haven’t had a hangover since. Thank god for marijuana.


Text bank for Biden or for some Senate candidate who has a chance who you legit like, or who’s opponent you loathe. It had to be more productive and beneficial to our chances than FB arguments.

I know it’s corny as fuck, but don’t drink when you’re upset or sad, drink to celebrate or relax with friends. I drank a ton in college and for a couple years after, and would have qualified as a binge drinker on any questionairre. But I think most 18-24 year olds do. Right, guys??? Right??? Lol seriously though.

Now I can drink 1-2 and cut it off, although if I’m out with friends (pre covid) I tend not to be able to be the one to call it a night first - I think because I crave the socialization so much. So I can drink a lot then.

Election night is an exception to drinking when sad. I will be hammered win, lose, or otherwise. I do also drink sometimes when stressed. I drank a beer maybe 2-3 times a week in March and April because of the pandemic stress.

I don’t fancy myself some expert on this, I’m not a genius, I’m just blessed not to have any issues cutting myself off in this area. Put sweets around me and I’m eating them until they’re gone or I’m totally full. But at any rate if you want to talk feel free to send me a message.

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I realize a lot of us probably worry about getting doxed or something so it probably isn’t a great idea but a live zoom/fantasy football draft type event for the election would probably be insane. Plus we are probably all ugly motherfuckers so there’s that.


Good call. I still have to do the training but this during the day should at least help keep my mind off things, even though I’ll be fully aware I’m texting about the election

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