Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

I might pay to get verified on unstuck, but not twitter.


Genius move would be to have vanity badge upgrades, like a Blood Drop Cross for $9.99.

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I mean that’s not even a bad idea. $5/mo for a pro Ukraine or pro life/pro choice or whatever badge. If 1 million people bought a badge that’s 60 mil per year. (And you get their financial info, the best sort of verification.) Lotta ways to extract blood from the Twitter stone–many of which will damage the company, but that’s the essence of finance.

I assume Musk will give Jews the star of David badge for free


Charge for an expanded choice of emojis.

Get verified here. See my profile for my PayPal info




:grimacing: awesome

This POS “disaffected liberal” is way ahead of you.

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I don’t think this is going to go well financially or otherwise. Why the hell would the engineers work their ass off on anything other than finding a new job?

Why would you…fuck it, nevermind

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And his genius business plan is to charge $20 a month for checkmarks that only matter even a little bit to mainstream journalists.

I’m sure this will all work out for him because we live in hell but this guy is a straight up fucking moron.

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How many blue checks are there? 10k? So that’s 200k/mo, or 2.4M/yr. That $54bn will pay for itself in no time.

Think of all the deplorables paying for check marks. I assume there will be vetting whatsoever aside from the marker pen on the old Andy Jackson.

The Acela belt reporters will have no problem paying $20/mo, but small local journalists are going to get shut out.

His whole “lie, distract and mobilize my troll army” thing works fine for a publicly traded stock. But when you own a private company none of that matters, you have to actually make money. Someone is going to have to come up with at least $500 million to keep this thing going. Every year. Maybe MBS does that, but if it’s Truth 2.0 I’m not sure what the value is in doing so.

Nah you just need a few big whale suckers instead of lots of little minnow suckers.

Is Morgan Stanley owning twitter better or worse?