Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Any consequences yet?

Well having most of his education in materials science doesn’t really sound like what you find in the prototypical product management bro (I realize he got an MBA too at some point).

Maybe. We don’t really know why the deal seems to be falling apart.

Was that the one that resulted in a $5 fine and a promise not to do it again? After which he promptly did it again? Or the one where absolutely nothing happened.

The one that’s ongoing from a week ago.

Surely this will be the time we get him!

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“Elon never really wanted to buy Twitter” is my new “Trump didn’t really want to be president.”

Its going to be so incredibly unsatisfying when he:

a. Gets Twitter for a reduced price, and
b. Gets away with securities fraud for at least the 4th time

Like if you’re a securities law professor how do you even teach the supposed law with a straight face at this point?

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Is this even illegal? It would be a Reg FD violation if he was talking about Tesla earnings or something, but he’s not an insider of Twitter. Maybe it violates the proxy rules somehow.

I don’t think he will be buying twitter anymore. This looks like buyer’s remorse written all over it.

He must have gotten some actual financial breakdown of Twitter from the wall street firm he hired (why not do this before you make a tender offer? lmfao)

Twitter doesn’t make an operating profit yet Elon wants to dump 50% or more debt on it and monetize bots?

The deal makes zero sense.

I just assumed you cant manipulate the stock of a company you’re in contract to buy in an effort to lower the purchase price?

How can it be market manipulation if he actually intends to renegotiate the deal? It would have to be some kind of insider trading theory, but that seems fact-dependent.

I might be thinking about this wrong but it seems obvious you shouldn’t be able to tank the stock price to increase your leverage to renegotiate the deal. I guess in a formal legal sense he’s no better off because he is still contractually obligated to close at $54.20.

Most people are like iron, not like us. It’ll be easy for most people to teach it with a straight face.

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here’s something tesla did that was actually cool, and probably had no involvement from elom

When Tesla released its Model 3, it had a secret technical edge over the competition: a material called silicon carbide. One of the key parts of an electric car is the traction inverters, which take electricity from the batteries, convert it into a different form and feed it to the motors that turn the wheels. To get the pin-you-to-your-seat acceleration that Teslas are known for, traction inverters must pump out hundreds of kilowatts, enough power to supply a small neighborhood, while being dependable enough to handle life-or-death highway use.

While previous traction inverters had been based on silicon, the Model 3’s were made from silicon carbide, or SiC, a compound that contains both silicon and carbon. STMicroelectronics, the European company that produced the silicon carbide chips Tesla used, claimed that they could increase a vehicle’s mileage range up to 10 percent while saving significant space and weight, valuable benefits in automotive design. “The Model 3 has an air-resistance factor as low as a sports car’s,” Masayoshi Yamamoto, a Nagoya University engineer who does tear-downs of electric-vehicle components, told Nikkei Asia. “Scaling down inverters enabled its streamlined design.”

It is so incredibly tilting to see the media take this “too many bots” bullshit seriously.

And this:


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Literal shit poster^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1526246899606601730|twgr^|twcon^s1_c10&

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Mobile twitter is a nightmare today. Every 4th tweet is an ad.