Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

narrator ….

Ha I’d like to see the world’s richest person wriggle himself out of this one!


Yeah and I don’t think D&O insurance a) covers willfull breach of duty or b) pays out in the tens of billions.

Sounds like Elon is who we thought he is, and he’s gonna get let off the hook.

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When this deal falls through the elite move on Twitters end would be to ban him


Someone is realizing how badly he fucked up.


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3/4 jlawok gifs

Normally this would be an insane statement to make as it basically serves as an admission that he’s purchasing the platform to troll but like he’s either going to succeed or he’s going to walk away from the deal scot free. He’s almost certainly a straight up alt-right white supremacist at this point but is savvy enough not to say the quiet parts…yet.

Overlooked in all this is that the first phase of his Boring tunnel to the LA Convention Center finished and it’s a complete clown show. I don’t have the tweets handy but it’s a one-way, incredibly narrow tunnel that still takes 30 minutes to get there at the max speed of like 35mph. Not even clear that if your vehicle breaks down there would be room to exit.

Musk setting out to revolutionize the field of statistics

Man I don’t know how the Twitter board lets him off here. They will get sued and lose if they do, and I doubt their D&O insurance covers something like this (or pays out into 11 figures!)

You might be right but One Neat Trick that rich assholes have is that they can make themselves so annoying that it can be in the best interest of all parties to just let them walk away and forget the whole thing ever happened. If he stomps off like a billionaire toddler the Board and shareholders and everyone else might just convince themselves that the best thing to do is let him go.

Not when the stock trades at $25 when he bails. That’s like a $25 billion loss to shareholders. The Matt Levine “he can be annoying and make it take forever” thing doesn’t seem plausible to me when there’s that much money at stake. And the Delaware Chancery court moves super quick, I think.

Does the court move so quick because it’s totally absent of any hateration or holleration?

It moves so quick because it’s in the interests of our corporate overlords to have access to a fast lane court when they want to move quickly.

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Reasonable question!

Pichai had a similar path but a tad slower. His formal education was not in computer science, so that might have slowed him down a bit.

Chuck Feeney?

If you don’t know who he is, that’s part of the point.

On the other hand he did give a ridic amount to Cornell, so I’m sure Riverman will be rustled yuugely despite this guy clearly being a top tier billionaire.

Lol laws
Lol regulations
Lol accountability

This is America!

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The last time you asked this, the story about the investigation broke 3 days later.