Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Yeah sorry there was something you said in another thread that made me interested but obv my post was weird, so sorry about that.

I honestly don’t understand what is the “secrecy” the right is so worried about. Twitter says why they ban every person.

I agree with the stuff regarding traditional dealerships. However, there must be some limit to the premium you’re willing to pay for some of these things? Teslas are objectively among the least reliable cars on the road with underdeveloped parts availability / service center infrastructure. That’s not surprising for a newcomer to the automotive industry since it’s a tough industrial manufacturing problem for which other makers enjoy an enormous head start. My point is more about the value proposition: their cheapest option is priced above the most reliable luxury autos on the market which have ubiquitous parts and service availability (at relatively low cost). Personally, it feels like a huge premium to pay for being an early adopter and bearing that risk, but everyone has different utility curves.

They are largely a bunch of paranoid untrusting people who project those traits onto everyone around them. They know twitter is up to no good because if they were in twitter’s position they would censor their political enemies and lie about it.

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Just like Herschel Walker!

He eats once a day, skipping breakfast and lunch. After a long, intense day of training, he eats salad and bread for dinner. He doesn’t care for meat or fuss about getting enough protein. Walker’s a vegetarian.
“It’s a mindset – something I’ve been doing for a long time,” he said. “I don’t worry about protein. I don’t worry about all that. I’m from old school. I grew up in south Georgia. They didn’t worry about cholesterol or protein. They went out and worked and lived a long time, so I don’t put a lot of worries in my mind. I just get it done.”

I don’t want to speak for people but my impression is almost all of them view themselves as funders to one degree or another

It’s like gofundme for cars

I just think it’s really hilarious that such few individuals have such big say in what happens in this world, and how they’re not even wearing any clothes. When they’re doing their emperor thing

What did I say that was interesting? I feel like I’ve been extremely boring for quite a while now

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I have gone long periods eating only 7 meals a week. It’s not that hard. :rofl:


I have never understood all these non-fat people that are obsessed with diets, eating patterns and intermittent fasting. What’s the basis?

I follow a pretty strict protocol food-wise. Initially it was to de-fat myself, but now it’s just because I feel so much better this way.

I mean, one way to not be fat is to obsess over diet and exercise.



I mean, we had to get the wiring harness replaced, but that wasn’t Tesla’s fault. rats got up in there and chewed on it. Other than that, our car has almost 100k miles in 4 years and is basically a workhorse.

Sure, it’s anecdotal, but there is a LOT of veiled anti-Tesla stuff out there, which is par for the course. we hate change.

Teslas are undriveable here, this winter we had over 200 CM of snow and multiple -40 days, fun times when you couldn’t get in a Tesla as a few friends found out.

It’s about feeling in control.

It’s not even that veiled much of the time. Media outlets absolutely love to include “TESLA!!” in any negative headline they can. If there is a fire or crash involving a Tesla you can be damn sure it’s widely reported on and every headline mentions the brand. If there is a fire or equivalent crash in a Ford, Toyota, Chevy, etc (fires happen at a wayyyy higher rate per mile driven than EVs btw) the brand is rarely mentioned if there even is a story at all.

Part of it is hate/fear of change. Part may be because of who funds the media outlets, who pays billions in advertising, and who doesn’t. I don’t really know or care too much. But of the many Tesla owners I know, literally every one of them loves their car, says it’s the best vehicle they’ve ever driven, and have had very few minor issues or none at all.


I know a few people who drive them everyday in Calgary.

I think the reason for all the coverage is simple - Tesla articles get clicks. Both from the people that hate Tesla so want to read about how it will fail, and from all the Musk fan boys who want to rage at anyone that criticizes Tesla. No one is going to care about the same article about issues with a Ford.

I don’t think it’s some media bias just lazy reporters trying to get views.


They just have a tough time after -35 or so, tons of ice or snow.

Have seen a few friends have to find solutions to the car not unlocking or starting in extreme cold.

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“Among least reliable” part comes from Consumer Reports. According to CR Model 3 has average reliability, but the S, Y and X have poor reliability.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe that the CR reliability metrics include stuff like paint repair or fixing panel gaps - two areas that Tesla has been notoriously problematic with although both have improved greatly over the past year. “Reliability” is a bit misleading when it is measured by things that don’t have to do with the reliabilty of the vehicle. Of interest, CR has the Tesla models that ranked lowest on “reliabilty” ranked highest on their customer satisfaction list.