Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

This is why they aren’t actually gonna do FREEZE PEACH. I’m hoping they do obviously because bringing 4chan to Twitter would be an instant $44B loss:

This is the same place where the oPeN tHe AlGoRiThMs conspiracy has been a number one hit for years running, just in case people don’t know where Nazi Spazboy and others are coming up with this shit.

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It was new so that makes more sense.

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Especially when the car sees the pedestrian and inexplicably accelerates. Society doesn’t generally like that.

It’s Cernovich, so there’s a 99.9% chance it’s total bullshit.

My guess is there will probably be a software ban on the N-word but all manner of obvious dogwhistles will be fine on Twitter. Maybe if you explicitly threaten someone they’ll censor that out.

Twitters going to suck if they are going to have conservative engineers. That is a really low bar to reach for.

is @pedomusk taken on twitter?

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Conservative engineers don’t exist in the numbers twitter needs.

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Twitter has already done some internal measuring and found that conservatives already have larger reach than liberals. Like Trump bashing Facebook, they’re just wanting even more of a thumb on the scale to have their explicitly against the censorship rules posts to remain while banning non conservatives for falling afoul of the censorship rules.

Twitter had already hems and hawed on that calling some posts “in the public interest”, but eventually came down against conservatives who fell afoul of the censorship rules.

Have you been on Blind?

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Amazon has to be in the mix as well. There are 6 cameras in the front of every Amazon van. A source of information that pure has to be pretty advantageous.

Bezos bought Zoox 2 years ago.

As a advertising driven medium there are simply lots of things that will not fly. Unless Elon is going to offer twitter gratis.

I don’t know what that is. Edgelords can be good script kiddies, but they’re terrible at working in teams. The second a non-white/non-male starts telling them what to do they melt down.

It’s that pesky education discrepancy.

That and basic lack of empathy. Also the thing where average devs like James Damore tend to blame diversity programs for their lack of career success.

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Do you have any thoughts on this statement?

Pretty sure he suns his asshole too

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I think so