Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

I’ll worry about the AI singularity when self-driving cars can drive in the rain and tell the difference between a highway sign and a semi-truck 100% of the time.

I agree with what you’re saying but I think its worth reminding people that self driving cars don’t need to be perfect to outperform human drivers. AI may make “shocking” mistakes, but they also will never kill a family of four because they are drunk and they’ll never run over a baby carriage because they were texting their friends. Human drivers are also shockingly terrible at driving.


Isn’t Twitter just going to be full of Nazi symbols and child porn, the same as all the other “free speech” social media that popped up?

Also, there’s more companies than you know of that are doing self driving development. My niece has been working for one for years in Vegas. They had self driving lyfts for quite awhile (BMW). Her company is now partnered with Hyundai so I expect they’ll be making a big move into self driving shortly.


A big chunk of value in autonomous transport will be long haul trucking, which is simpler to solve and allows for humans to do last mile delivery. Driverless cars are basically already here.


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Society tolerates that stuff though.

There is much less of an appetite for computers making mistakes, even if the math would say that it’s far safer.

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Did he fabricate evidence, or just lie about who his clients were?

How much time a day do you think Elon Musk personally spends on Twitter?

I’ve bought 2 cars thru carvana. I don’t think I’ll ever step foot into a car dealership ever again.

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You can go to the dealership to test drive models, then not buy from them. That’s what we did.

All of them?

prediction: (IF the deal goes through, which I don’t think it will) since elon will be extremely exposed by over-leveraging his TSLA stock to do this deal, he will move to make TWTR public again ASAP - except he’ll have it restructured with dual-class shares. Then he can sell 90% of it, keep 10% (or even less!) and maintain full control.

Neither. It’s the Durham BS.

It’s entirely likely that self driving cars will take a few conceptual breakthroughs, not just incremental engineering advancements. It will likely eventually happen, even if a 98% solution to start, but I don’t see how one could bet on one company over another. If anything, I’d be on google given the track record of Deep Mind. I sure as hell wouldn’t bet on Tesla unless Elon stays out of the engineering. Sophisticated neural nets are not standard engineering, which is what musk seems good at.

Have to say I’m loving all the takes that are like Why no one should be on twitter put your phone away dumbasses that, without fail, start (or more cowardly end) with “Obviously, I have to be on twitter because it’s important for my job but…”


Can you talk a little about what this process was like? Are you able to test drive a vehicle in any way prior to purchasing?

Yep you get 7 days to have it and can return it no questions asked within that time frame. They pick it up too so you aren’t actually taking it somewhere. There is a limit on the amount off miles you can add but it is a fair amount and shouldn’t be an issue.

Both of these I got within the last year. The first one I got was a 2014 Tacoma Truck. When they dropped it off there was an issue with a rubber seal on the hood. No biggie just needed some glue but you have to set up an appointment with there third party vendors to fix. They wanted to keep the car for a day to do this - there reason was that they get nickled and dimed for the repair and will be on the phone for half a day getting it approved. The mechanic was fine about it and just told me to put some superglue on it or just don’t bother as it not anything important. I only mention this because if they do tell you about a fault you should not accept the vehicle unless you want the hassle of sorting this out yourself. As I say my thing was so minor I couldn’t care less

Second time had absolutely no issue and all was good. that was an 2014 Audi A4

They sort out registration etc and around 30 - 40 days later I got new plates.

Also think there is a 100 day guarentee on various things although probably not worth the paper its written on. You do get a Carfax report too. Plus they do a 100 point check thing, again maybe not really thorough but shrug I ain’t getting that really thorough from dealership either.

When you do the online process all the costs are upfront and no surprises at all. You will need to show them proof insurance when they deliver which was just a case of talking to your insurance people and them emailing you the details so it good to go on the day it arrives. About an hour before they will text you and ask you to take a pic of yourself holding your license.

All really easy and I’m very happy with both cars. I’m no mechanic but I’ve each for over 6 months now and both seem fine.

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I should add one was financed thru them - which again is a third party vendor and not really them, around 8% I believe they gave me - and the other was cash. Go cash if you can or maybe get the loan thru your bank. I have excellent credit and could probably have a got a better rate that I got with them but I’m a lazy fuck.

I once sold a leased car to Vroom, was remarkably easy but that was before the lunacy that is the current car market.

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8% is insane! Is that a normal rate there? I paid 0.9 on my recent car.

For used? It’s high and I could have got cheaper but I’m not borrowing fortunes and not for long either and as I say I’m lazy.