Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

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Seems legit.

Fuck I want that.

I have no idea if the “Greg” profile is real or fake, we have all crossed the line between reality and satire long ago, but I did crack up at “I’m an investor” on his profile.

Not even sure this is “satire” but it’s something funny.


I think it might actually be gregorio doing some advanced trolling?

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it’s probably goofy

Wait the guy who forced his employees back to work in May last year and defied county stay at home orders at his car factory also runs an unsafe rocket factory??!

Person of the Year!

“Papa Elon used a render I made as his profile pic UwU” - 600 upvotes

“Did he credit you?” - downvotes

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This seems like the best place to put this. So I got this email today. I think it’s fucking hilarious.

Tesla has decided to proactively recall model year 2017-2020 Model 3 vehicles to inspect and retrofit the trunk lid harness. Our records indicate that your vehicle(s), **************, may be affected by this recall.

On certain Model 3 vehicles, the trunk lid harness is equipped with a solid core coaxial cable that provides the rearview camera feed for visibility on the center display. Over time, repeated opening and closing of the trunk lid may cause excessive wear to the coaxial cable. If the wear causes the core of the coaxial cable to separate, the rearview camera feed is not visible on the center display. Unavailability of the rearview camera display may affect the driver’s rear view. We are not aware of any crashes or injuries relating to this condition.

No immediate action is required if you own a Model 3 vehicle affected by this recall. If you experience a loss of rearview camera display, you may continue to operate the vehicle by performing a shoulder check and using your mirrors when backing. Tesla will contact you to schedule a service appointment when parts become available in your region and inspect and retrofit your vehicle, all free of charge.

Thank you for being a Tesla customer, and we apologize for this inconvenience.

Emphasis added by me. I mean, the sheer audacity of telling people to “learn to drive, noob” is exactly my energy. I see why people hate him, but damn if this doesn’t speak to my shriveled, blackened soul.


Your car isn’t potentially affected by the frunk latch issue, whereby the frunk can randomly open while you’re driving? Because that would seem like something requiring immediate action, such as at least taping it closed or something.

Her car is not affected by that. Only some Model S vehicles are. And as far as I can tell it’s never actually happened, but the recall for that is more proactive than reactive.

On WSB people were saying Tesla knew about it for more than a year before announcing it (coincidentally the day after Elon was officially done selling shares). So even if it never actually happened on the road, “proactive” is probably the wrong word.

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The description of the problem is kind of confusing. According to the recall notice, it’s the secondary latch that’s affected, and it’s only a problem if the primary latch is “inadvertently released” while driving. Does that mean that it just breaks, or does that mean that the driver opens the frunk? But why would the software even allow you to open the frunk while moving?

The issue with model 3’s trunk is that opening it can rub the back camera cables causing them to eventually become disconnected. Hence the “learn to drive” message.

Yeah Coasterbrad is right that what I’m talking about only affects the S.

Tesla is recalling 119,009 Model S sedans from the 2014 through 2021 model years because the hoods over their front trunks—commonly known as “frunks”—may open while the vehicle is in motion and block the driver’s view of the road.

Tesla first started investigating this issue in January 2021, when it received a report of a 2018 Model S whose frunk opened while the vehicle was in Drive. The automaker is aware of four warranty claims, three field reports, and no crashes or injuries related to this issue.


@bobman0330 from how the articles are worded, I also can’t tell whether it’s necessary for the driver to press the release button.

Edit: if I somehow managed to press the trunk button while driving and it opened, I would blame myself and wouldn’t think to submit a warranty claim. That makes me lean toward thinking it wasn’t the drivers, but such projection isn’t reliable for making reads.

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As far as the learn to drive is concerned, how do you all use the rear camera in a car when you have one if you’re backing out of a parking space.

A. Never turn head just use camera completely
B. Don’t really use camera, just turn head and use mirrors as needed
C. Some combo of A&B

As an old, I don’t really use the rear camera at all if I’m backing out of a parking spot. The only time I find that it is handy is if I’m parallel parking into a very tight spot.