Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company


Seems like the lady who invented mRNA vaccines ought to get the nod, but no, it’s Elon for some dumb fucking reason.


The article is pretty good. Hee hee:

“He is a humanist—not in the sense of being a nice person, because he isn’t,” says Robert Zubrin

What kind of people think “humanist” means “nice person”?

He’s a fucking douchebag in the sense of being a fucking douchebag.



Is Elon Musk just an aspie Lex Luthor?

Because undeservedly making money is mankind’s greatest achievement.

Not humanists!

I feel the bar for person of the year should be higher when you get divorced from your “trophy” wife. Like you have to cure cancer or something.


How much of musk’s wealth is tied to the technology that is not working? A lot. Why is he not more Elizabeth Holmes is beyond me.

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A Lucid (Tesla competitor I’m assuming) dealership just opened up next to my gym. Lots of salesbros wearing all black milling around inside. A few show cars that don’t look that impressive imo. I assume without checking that they’re taking pre-orders for 2023 or something.

It will be interesting to track the meteoric rise and fall of this dealership. I give it a year, which will be almost as long as the Maserati dealership in the same spot lasted.

lucid had some bold claims, but yeah i expect them to fail at trying to out-tesla tesla.

If Tesla somehow succeeds in nuking the traditional dealership model this all will have possibly been worth it.


how could it be just one company nuking so many laws on the books? it will take a sensible industry association, and a regulator, and neither is going to happen.

How did Uber nuke taxis?

The tech startup two step

  1. Sidestep regulation
  2. Avoid taxes

I actually put in a pre-order for one a couple of months ago. It was only $300, non-binding, and completely refundable.

I’m gonna need a new ride in the next year or two, so I’ll reassess when my number gets called.

I saw one out on the street a couple of weeks ago. It’s a good looking car, or so I thought. It was at night, so I couldn’t see it that well.