Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

He likes to go tour the Tesla factory and he must have guards with him or something or we would have heard of at least one worker taking a swing at him.

I don’t know. We’re doing good on some fronts. Water usage has been decoupled from population growth. I read Cadillac Desert years ago and fully expected the midwest and the southwest to collapse from lack of water, but they’re still growing. With solar and hopefully carbon capture we might decouple carbon output from population. In reality, we have a ton of people who could immigrate and create much more value add. The natalism just a sop to right wingers, even if raising birth rates would be good, or at least not bad.






shirley he would have foreseen that with the help of adderal, and shrewdly decided to go non-union

imo water use is solvable for population uses, outside of gigantic cities which will probably always need a source. even with changing weather patterns, a good 80% of households could collect and treat all the water that need to make it through the dry season.

it’s harder to solve water use in agriculture and industry, although it feels plausibly doable for the former, and potentially requires several breakthroughs for the later.

unfortunately breakthroughs are going to get gobbled up by investors like musk.

Take all the internet points, sir.

Fucking LOL

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Jeff Bezos’ 9-minute joyride to the edge of space created more carbon emissions than 1 billion people produce in an entire lifetime

That is worded terribly.


A billion of the poorest people. Curious what the multiple is for an average American. How many “tonnes” of carbon do we burn on average?

I think EV and self driving cars are the future but Musk should get sued for those stunts. You don’t label something fully automated and then have an asterisk saying you have to have your hands on the wheel and be paying attention all the time.

The study found that the average annual carbon dioxide emissions per American was a shocking 20 metric tons , in comparison to a world average of 4 tons . The world average is less than half the amount of the lowest carbon emissions of anyone in the U.S., which is 8.5 tons.

one NA to EU roundtrip flight is worth almost 2 tonnes of co2. it’s not 11 minutes like bezos, but let’s say it’s 11 hours, and it emits as much as each of the poorest billion does in 2 years. coincidentally, if sequestration ran ~$100/ton in the long run (planting trees, invest in green r&d to bring costs down), all developed nations should pay that and consider it a bargain, or atonement.

eta: highest average in USA#1, is i believe AK#1. followed by coal burning states. most populous states with big cities are in 5-20 ton per capita range.


Lol fucking Bernie

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Also it was tldr for me, so if strontiumdog hadn’t said what he said, I would have just went on thinking that. I have no concept of scale when it comes to carbon emissions. Reading that in its entirety was probably a good start, though.

A+ job regulators


Great job media.

Just like Hitler!

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Honestly I’m pretty impressed that TIME’s Person of the Year survived having Hitler as one of its recipients.

Like if I’m in charge of any award whatsoever, and Hitler was a previous winner of that award… By 1941 I’m probably just going to cancel it and come up with a new title for the award.