Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

To be fair, NYC traffic has to be some of the most challenging possible traffic for an AI to navigate through.

Lol Americans.

NYC is bush league compared to places like Mumbai or Bangkok.

Any AI that can conquer Bangkok, will have absolutely no problem with NYC.


I was reading Elon’s Twitter a bit and realized that him and dril are morphing into the same person.

Interesting reading about apparent big issues getting Raptor into production—leadership purge, mentions of bankruptcy, etc.

EDIT: Also potentially interesting alongside the Tesla stock sales.

Nobody knew space launches could be so complicated!


Musk never uses hyperbole so this is concerning.


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Well, the credit is pretty openly designed to disadvantage Tesla, and the administration doesn’t seem to like the company very much, so it isn’t all that surprising that Musk isn’t a fan of it.

It’s obviously not self-interest though. Tesla would be the big beneficiary of the credit, despite the skew, since I think it eliminates the phase-out of the current EV credit and Tesla just sells so many more EVs than anyone else. It’s bad as an innovation subsidy though. It’s biased in favor of incumbents, since the expanded credit excludes both imports and new entrants that don’t adopt a union model. It’s also too broad, as it applies to EVs with as little as a 40 kWh battery and also lol plug-in-hybrids, neither of which are really viable prospects for replacing gas cars.

I can’t imagine why people are choosing to have children.

The best thinking among demographers is that population will level off and then decrease this century. Long term forecasts are generally hard, but in demography they are more reliable. So I think we really are looking at a world where the population increases to 10 billion or so then drops down to 9 billion or so.

This will disrupt a lot of economic processes. In my field in particular (pensions) the current systems will really struggle under the weight of high “dependency ratios”, i.e. many older people collecting pensions and depending on the economic production of a relatively smaller workforce to provide them. This will also happen in healthcare as demand for services will continue to outpace supply of sector labor.

Anyway, this is a real global challenge that is coming. An escape route will be the introduction of more robots into the workforce. As much as everyone is terrified of automation stealing their jobs, by 2040 or so the demand for labor should take a lot of the sting out of that.

heh. richest guy in the world makes fortune due to capturing most of a govt subsidy, tell wsj govt needs to stop all subsidies.

i can sort of see how the world would be better if space karen stopped at $1b

Every time I see “Elon Space Karen Musk” I audibly chuckle


Our ecosystem was already collapsing under the weight of our population decades ago, you’d have to be clueless to think civilization depends on constantly churning out more and more people.

Capitalism depends on constantly churning out more and more people though.

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You wonder?

“People should be open to beating the shit out of Elon Musk”