Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

I don’t even care about taxes. Someone please just beat the shit out of this guy.


This has always been the stupidest of many very stupid libertarian bro takes. The devaluation of money hurts those…with no money? Sweet take bro.

What if Bernie bros started sabotaging Tesla charging stations?

Does he not understand inflation? Or is this some sort of first principles thing where they come to a conclusion that makes no sense?

Yes, that will win hearts and minds :roll_eyes:



lol. friedman unintentionally says that we need to dramatically increase subsidies to moochers at the government’s tit.

Don’t forget that government hand outs aren’t socialism if you are giving money to someone that is already rich. That’s just common sense and Freedom.

Did he though?

No, he’s simply saying we need more risk-taking visionaries who will save our planet and take the light of human consciousness to Mars.

I do like that he throws a sop out to Greta Thunberg. Maybe we need one or two more of those, but def need more Elons.

he pretty much did. he wants the government to finance all the basic research and then loan enough money future musk wannabes that one if them will break through at scale. that’s basically how musk got to be richest person ever. i don’t think he’s close to figuring out that government help is socialism, but it is. he’s just proposing one of the least equitable ways of ensuring future fortunes are concentrated in as few accounts as possible.

I just know this: We got into this hole thanks to the worst of capitalism — letting companies privatize their gains from despoiling the environment and warming the climate — while socializing the losses among all of us.

We can get out of it, in part, by accelerating the best of American capitalism. We need to re-energize our innovation ecosystem to where government funds basic research that pushes the boundaries of physics, chemistry and biology and then combines that innovation with immigration policies that amass the world’s best pools of engineering talent and then unleashes that talent — propelled by risk-takers — to invent new clean technologies to slow global warming at the warp speed and scale we need.

His solution requires literally no capitalism. All that stuff can be done in a government enterprise that is not distracted by shareholder interests.

Well no, he wants the good aspects of capitalism without the bad aspects of capitalism. How we actually get there is left as an exercise for the reader.

Right, but even the specifics he offers (government funded scientific research, incentives to immigration, production of new technologies) does not require capitalism. It’s all built on religious devotion to American Capitalism that assumes that there is some point where it MUST be handed over to capitalists or all progress just dies on the vine.

The part about lending money to private businesses isn’t in the article, at least that I saw. To the contrary, the article says that socializing risk while privatizing profits is bad and that entrepreneurs should be bearing risk.

you are right, it didn’t mention it. i was referring from another article which described the massive DOE loan program that funded in various forms enterprises like tesla, spacex, and solyndra. which i presume is one of the ways the US government “unleashes” the “best of capitalism”s.

i am not against those programs btw, let’s just admit that it’s socialism and good policy. friedman’s favorite part of capitalism had nothing to do with success of the best technology ( we literally have a company betting on H fuel cells is trying to slow down battery research), and it had everything to do with the most successful of the players became a near monopoly.

You could write a good article on how public-private capitalist systems led to the distribution of the mRNA vaccine, but the inventor of the vaccine, but the inventor of that isn’t a douche who defames rescue divers posts memes on Twitter.

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that’s how the right and center use word.

you’d have to go back to like marx to find rhetoric whether they interchangeably use socialism and communism. i don’t think that’s very useful. also the means of production, is too narrow a term to describe modern economies. a growing part of the workforce is in services, not production. or even industries like mine (software) is not “production” either.

could society controlling the working conditions and public investments in “production” count as socialism?

i am not sure i could agree or disagree here without splitting hairs. The particular loan program (like the one i mentioned) is NOT for capital to control anything. this is very early stage r&d loans made by a review panels of mostly scientists which usually pick the best cost-benefit of emerging tech to accelerate. they are not even DoD or commerce or treasury. those have their own grant and loan programs mostly studying the potential impacts