Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

TIL how to spell this dude’s name finally

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He has a trans kid. What a piece of shit.


Sterilisation isn’t part of becoming trans though?

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Since one of his children is a trans woman he’s probably considering bottom surgery “sterilization”.

Do we know his views on capital punishment?


It’s in no way part of the standard practice of gender affirming care to ANYONE. Not people who are trans, not people who simply have identifiably trans experiences, not people who are cisgender, intersex, or non-binary and need overlapping forms of gender-affirming medical care.

It’s simply not possible for him to speak about his concerns toward “trans” people without in the same breath be speaking about countless cisgender, intersex, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people who fall under the same umbrella of transphobia and bigotry.

What is he going to say to someone who is Third Gender? Two Spirit? They would have every right to laugh in anyone’s face when they start talking about what’s right for boys vs girls.

Transphobia relies on a boogeyman. I could empathize if Musk were merely saying the thought of forced or coerced mutilation of children terrifies him, but he’s instead saying well if we accept marshmallows are essentially cloud poop, we can justify our horrifying treatment of the people we declare don’t count with the following arguments…

It doesn’t even matter if the arguments are persuasive. The premises are bull shit, so I ignore Elon from that point forward.



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right, and of course minors aren’t getting bottom surgery

none of that matters, all that matters is that deplorables THINK woke kindergarden teachers are shipping kids off for genital mutilation within 3 minutes of hearing any hint of confusion about anything from a kid

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Why am I getting emails from this dude.

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I dunno but I noticed the other day that you’re also getting push notifications from Matthew Fucking Wallace’s Twitter which seems like a huge life leak.

Why do that to yourself?

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A right wing person saying sterilization screams old school eugenics vibe to me.

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:pensive: yeah I don’t really know why that happened, nor do I even really know who hr

Better idea - let’s sterilize Elon.

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it’s too late. the musk outbreak is uncontrollable

36 posts were merged into an existing topic: God and Religion


Government agencies have to pay up for their API usage, all part of the brilliant plan.

With all the resources in the US Military, I feel like they could crank out a Twitter Clone for Government related transit, traffic, weather, disaster alerts within a week.