God and Religion


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:vince1: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I am come to sow discord between very online guy and his forum-mates.

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Funny, that’s the way I feel about parents who force their children to adopt their religion.

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That is literally all parents.

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I was agreeing with your point but we would need really big jails. :grin:

Only free people would be atheists.

Idk I’d feel incredibly disappointed if I raised my kid atheist and they turned religious. Depends how we mean force to adopt because I’m probably doing my best to keep them atheist

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Sure but it’s just not equivalent. Not having faith just isn’t in any way the flip side equivalent of having faith.

I recently learned that you can be both atheist and religious. I got this from someone who described himself as an atheist Buddhist. Apparently that’s a thing:

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I think there are a lot of atheist Jews. I’d likely categorize myself as that if I had to put a label on my (lack of) religion.

Makes sense. You could also be an atheist and a follower of Jesus’ moral teachings.

This was also my go to when I was asked my religion in the Philippines. I would just say something about being a supporter of Jesus as a moral philosopher. People would look confused and leave me alone, but I would tend to pass the test.

I have come across some atheist Jews, but they don’t mean “Jews” as in someone who practices the Jewish religion. They mean that they are ethnically Jewish.

Isn’t it explicitly not religious?

This essentially treats Buddhism as an applied philosophy, rather than a religion

I think there is ethnically, culturally/morally, and religiously. I’d fall in to the first two but not the third.

I’m not sure if the bro I met uses wikipedia as his guide. He just claims to be atheist, since he doesn’t believe in God, but he also believes in the teachings of Buddha, so he identifes as Buddhist as well.

I’m an atheist Jew who rarely does/attends any kind of religious function, but I did know someone who was an atheist orthodox Jew who did all the religious functions.


Also seems a bit weird to practice Buddhism but take out the bits you don’t like. Isn’t this just your own approach to life then? Call is cassette-ism imo.