Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

I used to work for wal mart in the Summer before university and my job was throwing out garbage/ recycling into the baler or compactor, helping with carry outs/ heavy things (usually cribs), cleaning spills, and returning shopping carts. We even had a device that was remote operated, where it pushed them and you stood in front steering the lead cart with your hands.


I feel like reddit could come up with a twitter replacement the fastest and best.

Instead of communities having pages, give each user their own page on ‘reddit Red’ and you subscribe to other users meaning their threads and comments show up on your ‘feed’, as well as other highly liked random threads. The infrastructure is already mostly in place.


Superstore has had this forever here, its pretty common in Canada.

Pushing/grabbing carts in a lot of snow/-40 isn’t fun.

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Usually it’s 25 cents for the stores that do it


Isn’t this already what users do with custom homepage feeds? You can subscribe both to subreddits and specific users. Different apps allow you to customize the homepage feed to your preference.

I guess to your point it’s dumb that the actual Reddit app or desktop interface is horrible at this functionality.

I am also one of those people who always used the chronological Twitter timeline feed so the stuff about the algorithm didn’t affect me as much. I understand most people are taking the base experience the platform offers and never figuring out how to customize.

Right and you get the money back when you return the cart. I think it’s practical and yet.

Maybe it’s that I grew up in Mississippi and Walmart is so poor in the south that I’m just laughing at the idea that a bunch of people have a spare dollar for Walmart to hold.

You’ve never shopped at Aldi?


I don’t even know what that is :smiley:

It’s a discount grocery store chain with small footprint stores that have limited selection. Not necessarily bad stuff, but cheap, sort of like a poor man’s Trader Joe’s. To use a shopping cart, you have to unlock it with a quarter, which you get back when you return it.

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Makes sense.

Sounds Like A Cult podcast did an episode on Trader Joe’s. Crossing my fingers they mentioned or did an episode on Aldi…

Trader Joes and Aldi are historically linked. I don’t think you could do any sort of long form podcast about Trader Joes and not mention Aldi


They are basically sister companies. Or brother companies to be exact. Two German brothers started them. And I may be wrong but I think in Germany TJs is the lower end store while Aldis is the nicer one, and in the US they are switched.


Only Aldi is a store in Germany. They sell some products that are branded Trader Joe‘s. US- founded Trader Joe‘s was only acquired by Aldi in the seventies.


Ah ok, thanks for the clarification. I remember something about Aldi splitting into Aldi Nor and Aldi Sud and then one of them becoming TJs. I think there was a Planet Money episode about this years ago.

What would you do with your time if you won the lottery? Does your fantasy include posting memes all day on the internet? Well, for one of the worlds richest men, this life is a dream come true…


God he truly is one of the worst fucking posters on the planet. That’s not how the goddamn Spiderman meme works.


I asked my daughter if she knew the Tesla model names were selected because it spells S3XY and she shook her head and called him an incel.




Rotfl. My feed is flooded with wrestling content today. I’ve never read, liked or viewed a wresting tweet in my life. I have zero interest in wrestling.

Good work Elon.