Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

You never know, some cars drop 1 or 2 mph going up a hill when on cruise control. If a newer model is behind them and doesn’t do that then maybe it will try to overtake.

Or if a self driving Mercedes is behind a self driving Tesla and they have 0.5 MPH difference in actual speed even if both are designed to go the speed limit.

unlock +1mph for every elon retweet


but only for 15 minutes so you have to constantly retweet all his twwet every day.


Subscription model costing $8 per mph per month


I’ve used it a few times and it was a huge reason i went for a tesla. I’m likely not too next time if the Tesla network is available to other models

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the verbal fellating of Elno between Rogan and Taibbi is vomit-inducing so proceed with caution

Continuing the story of how Elon’s tweets got boosted.

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Oh, it’s a bug, not a feature!


Never has a gif been more appropriate:


The reason I’m getting 5 elon tweets in a row now is because his posts are getting better!


Umm, yeah, if NHTSA is saying that ADAS systems that let you go faster than the speed limit aren’t allowed, that’s kind of a disaster for everyone.

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I’ve seen these things around LA a few times in the last couple of months. As pictured they have huge sensors all over them. Hard to imagine they could be much less safe than the average LA driver.

They changed from Robbie the Robot to a Cylon look?

Sounds like Twitter blue is getting a new feature-2FA. Twitter plebs may no longer have it. Lol

What’s the thinking here? Are you against speed limits in general?

I think he would argue that if someone is going to travel at that speed anyway, we would prefer they use driver assistance tech as that makes it less dangerous.

I think there’s something to that in the longer term - for example if people are aware that a self drive system will never overtake because to do so would exceed the speed limit, then they will overtake themselves and probably do so in dangerous circumstances where the autonomous system would not. I’m not thrilled about people setting Tesla’s current system at over the speed limit though.

Chances these are safer than average LA drivers are 100%, question is whether they are confident/human-like enough that they don’t disrupt traffic.