Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

That would get people to sign up maybe, but you need a consistent log of new and old content or it’s unsustainable.

You’d either have to treat it as a public good that can burn money and never make a profit OR do what all social media companies do and build an interface that drives envy and rage so that users begin creating and curating the content for you. The more effective the interface and algorithm at driving envy and rage, the higher the engagement and profitability.

Is this going to be substantially different than the targeted marketing and boosted algorithm rankings already available?

Besides expanding the scope of how much reach any user can purchase (if they have the money).

…I guess that in itself reaches a Big Deal threshold.

I’d consider signing people to exclusive content deals.

I would also consider starting with sports as the focus. It’s easy to drive rage over sports. Imagine if you had elite athletes agreeing to make your social media site their home for regular microblogging during the season.

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What would you accept as hard evidence that Twitter is now worth substantially less than what Musk paid?

What would you accept as hard evidence that the value of Twitter is a meaningless metaphysical concept for the foreseeable future?

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I think if all the debt was purchased by a small group (incl. Musk), then I would accept that it’s a meaningless concept for a while.

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I don’t need evidence, the stock price just prior to closing shows he paid a stupid premium. It was worth less the day he bought it and would be worth even less if he tried to sell it right now. I don’t dispute any of that.

I am just saying despite how bad he appears to be at running a social media network, he is actually positioning himself really well to take right wing grifting, influence, and corruption to new heights with this tool and he could still use that avenue to make it more valuable in several years and come out a winner at that time.

By the way, Tesla have announced a new hardware suite “FSD Hardware 4.0”:

The new hardware will not only include a faster computer and higher resolution cameras but it will include HD radar, additional cameras and new camera placements.

The new system has 12 cameras (current Teslas have 9). Musk has ruled out retrofits of new hardware, so good luck to all the guys who paid $15K for FSD in existing cars. Don’t worry I’m sure the extra, better cameras and HD radar are just icing on the cake and your obsolete models will do juuuuust fine.

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Elon exhibits a lack of self-awareness.

Good thing he recalled the cars.

Sounds like this recall is bad news?

I don’t think so, it’s just software stuff:

The safety agency said in documents posted on its website on Thursday that Tesla would fix the concerns with an online software update in the coming weeks.

The NHTSA’s concerns are that FSD lets you set the speed limit above what is posted and also:

The NHTSA said Tesla’s system — which is being tested on public roads by as many as 400,000 Tesla owners — makes unsafe actions, such as travelling straight through an intersection while in a turn-only lane, failing to come to a complete stop at stop signs, or going through an intersection during a yellow traffic light without proper caution.

Seems like these would be pretty easy tweaks to make.

Sounds like tesla has captured the human driving experience perfectly. Now if only the car could be looking at a phone instead of the road while driving like an idiot.

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Car should also have eight or ten drinks in its belly.


Not allowing FSD to speed sounds like a big issue. Long road trips would suck if you can only go 55 or 65.


That’s my thought, it will suck for the owners but also we gonna have self driving cars trying to pass each other at exactly the speed limit clogging up the interstates for everyone

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If they’re all going the speed limit, they’re not going to try to pass each other…

Elon’s the type of dude that will instruct his programmers to make it so Teslas intentionally drive side by side so that if they can’t speed, no one can.