Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

2FA is still available, you only need to subscribe for SMS 2FA

Some interesting data on 2FA usage at Twitter

The problem is what is the appropriate speed limit for auto driving cars? As fast as the cars can go?

Absolutely insane to tie account security to paying a monthly fee.

:roll_eyes: This is bad even by the standards of slippery slope arguments. I mean, if we’re going to sometimes exceed the speed limit, why not just have The Purge? WHERE DOES IT END??

When everything is depending on what speed your auto drive car can go in order to pass other auto drive cars, I think the discussion is relevant.

Even if you disagree, the discussion will end up happening with or without you when it comes to the law. If there is no solution to the problem, there are no needs for an auto driving car to exceed the speed limit just to pass someone else going the speed limit.

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If there has to be a limit, 15mph over. Unlimited is fine tho if you let humans go unlimited.

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i think free accounts can use a non sms authenticator (which is ironically safer) - but way easier to get locked out of.


I truly don’t get why people provide services to this company without upfront cash payment.

They were credit worthy 6 months ago.

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Can you imagine selling anything to Trump without getting all of the money up front?

Lol lower security. Brilliant idea. This guy is a legit moron.

This topic is consistently being misreported leading to a lot of confusion.

Twitter isn’t getting rid of MFA and all users can still use MFA with an authenticator app. Twitter is cutting off MFA via text message because it costs them money, unless you subscribe. It’s a small distinction but clearly not what some people are saying.


You’re right, but to a lot of people 2FA = text message with a code. So for practical purposes it absolutely undermines security and for many people effectively eliminates 2FA.

For sure, I posted yesterday the data that shows only 2.6% of Twitter users even have MFA setup and nearly 75% of them use SMS. So it will definitely be a security risk for a lot people that don’t move over to an authenticator app.

I think I’m just being a pedantic curmudgeon because I’ve been sick all day.

Can someone explain how this could possibly be true?

Only way I can think off is setup a paid number as your 2FA number and then repeatedly login to twitter causing twitter to both pay you and the phone company for every attempt to use that number. Even if that is possible it should be trivial to avoid with some number verification for each country.