Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

elon is positioning himself well for permanent republican minority control by owning twitter.

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It’s maybe a zero in terms of being a for profit enterprise supported by advertising (I’m still not sure it’s zero without that interest expense but we can assume that). If they plan to hold indefinitely and can operate it at breakeven and use it as a propaganda tool then it’s not zero value to them.

My feeling is, they’re just desperate to diversify and egotistical like everyone else, so they do dumb things like Twitter and LIV golf instead of just putting all that oil money into index funds

For some reason he deleted this after the game?


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did he roll over into private shares? i thought jack mostly cashed out and is no longer on the board. is that not so?

Lots of people here used moviepass too. No one here is paying for Twitter blue afaik

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The only time I go on twitter is when one of you posts a link to it


I deleted my account a few months ago and won’t be back unless something changes. Fuck em. Anyone who actively posts exclusively on twitter now sucks.


I think it’s big mistake to so directly relate users/eyeballs with monetization. A comparable amount of people visit pornhub and xvideos as Twitter.

Deleted account months ago, occasionally I’ll lurk on an old follow or two but that’s it.

I too wish there would be an alternative, but remember, the entire reason for all of this tech infrastructure is that it’s what you need to play the long game–the short game is easy. Twitter will not retain its position for the next decade if it remains a glitchy, capricious platform.

All of a sudden, videos in Twitter posts are autoplaying for me. Looks like it’s just in a browser, not the mobile app.

They may have updated some settings. You can go here and set it to “Never”. They probably removed a setting and just applied the “On cellular or Wi-Fi” to everyone… Might explain why it’s just the browser too.

I kind of look down on people who are still on twitter now. It’s like seeing a really hot girl sit down next to you then she pulls out a cigarette. Then her boyfriend pulls up in a tesla. eww


I think it’s a mistake to only think of monetization via ads when thinking of the value of Twitter. You look at what it did for Trump, what it’s role is in breaking news, etc. I don’t know exactly how they will drive revenue but it has huge value as a propaganda tool as long as it has the eyeballs and the network.

I don’t have a twitter account but I get a lot of breaking news through twitter just because you guys post it here, or it might linked on NFL related sites I read. The flow of tweets still very much shapes the narratives in the news.

I also quit a few months ago,and only see what’s posted here now. I was a pretty heavy Twitter user too.


Ok, but it’s kind of a bait and switch to bring up the word “value” in the context of cutting costs and then say that you meant value in a non-monetary way.

It’s very funny that I knew almost nothing about Elon Musk until very recently. Now I know hes is a terrible internet poster and also kind of dumb. Blows my mind that this guy is forcing everyone to read his innane posts. I am a far better poster then him and I would be mortified if everyone knew the shit I said lol.


i assume the saudi’s dont care about a few billion here or there. i mean they gave Kush 2 billion to play with like it were a lego set. im guessing they want some backdoor to the meta data and to spy on dissident, which im sure elon has no problem allowing them.

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I am still talking about monetary value. Twitter is worth a lot even if it’s not driving a lot of ad revenue because it can influence flow of information and ultimately elections and power. If it maintains its position as a tool for breaking news and as the preferred tool for famous and semi famous people to directly interact with the public then it has a lot of monetary value even if it can’t be shown in discounted cash flow analysis. I think it’s possible Musk could sell it for a significant profit in 5-10 years if it has a similarly large impact in the next couple presidential elections even if the P&L is barely breakeven.

What, specifically, could musk do to make it worth more than he paid for it?