Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Someone needs to hurry up with that Twitter killer alternative. Fuentes back on, Trump back soon. Jfc.

Wow. 0.09 Scaramuccis.


Mr. Musk’s advisers had hoped to reach a deal to raise cash at the initial takeover price by the end of 2022, according to an email sent to prospective investors at the time. However, some prospective backers said they balked at the terms, given concerns about Twitter’s financial performance. The Musk team didn’t specify a funding amount or purpose for the fundraise in the email.

Fidelity, one of the co-investors that backed Mr. Musk’s takeover of Twitter, has written down its stake in Twitter by 56%, public filings show, suggesting Mr. Musk would face an uphill battle raising funds at the original valuation from outside investors. The banks holding the $13 billion in debt that backed his takeover of the company haven’t yet received any formal notice of any repayments, people familiar with the matter said.


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Wouldn’t 3 billion dollars be like twenty percent of current twitter’s value?

only 56%? I would think 70% would be a bare minimum

He needs Donnie back on cause this is a total grift and only MAGA idiots dumb enough to buy shares.

So the saying is true, when you owe the banks $13 billion it’s their problem.

He doesnt owe any repayments yet outside of an immaterial amortization payment. The repayment notices would just be for if he was prepaying debt at 100 cents on the dollar and there’s almost a zero percent chance it would be done in that way, he would be negotiating with the banks to repay at a discount.

But you are right, there is very much a its their problem to this situation.

Will be very surprised if he could raise equity in a way that wasnt punitive to the existing common though.

Wouldnt the docs prohibit it too?

Early 2022 era docs are lets just say permissive and I would love to see some of the banks have to eat their own cooking on whatever Elon can cook up here.


lol he’s getting a little pissy isn’t he? about to start outsourcing customer service to another country I bet

I would be careful about victim blaming.

Can’t you see I’m busy running multiple companies into the ground? I’ll get to it when I can.



I’m being served Tweets like this now even in random football threads. Seems like Elon has turned over a new leaf and is starting to make this thing kick ass as the social media lead-in platform for OnlyFans.



Yeah that woman shows up in the “See More Tweets” section of a ton of NFL pundits’ replies, for at least the last 2-3 weeks.

“I can’t clean my room every day, I have homework and drill team!” :weary:


Are you happy or sad about this development? It’s not clear.

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Looks like I might finally have to make a Twitter account.