Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

FYI we prefer the term “freethinker”

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This is probably true a lot, but I think it’s hard to hold a dumb description against the subject of said description.

“My understanding was that they would proceed with the deal,” Musk said. Musk also claimed he was concerned news of the deal talks would leak in the press and tweeted it out himself to “make sure all investors would be on equal footing.”



Twitter desktop now seems to be defaulting to the “For You” timeline rather than the “Following” timeline, no matter how many times I switch it back?



Make a list and use that. Also helps with the ads.

So annoying. Mobile too.

Is anyone looking into it?

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It is kinda funny when some newb takes over as a boss or mod or whatever and implements a whole bunch of innovations that were already field tested and dumped in the trash years ago.


“Why didn’t any of you morons think of this brilliant thing I just came up with?!?!”

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It’s just getting sad at this point


I don’t know. It’s kind of funny that all these people that got booted off or were constantly complaining about how they weren’t as popular as they imagined they should be get everything they want either coming back or having some mysterious ‘shadow banning’ removed and it turns out, actually no they should have been banned all along or aren’t as popular as they deluded themselves into thinking.

That age-old assumption that something didn’t come into existence until they were aware of it.

The back story behind Eliza Bleu is pretty wild, it’s nice that these two shitbags are having a go at each other, while also completely unsurprising that even supporters of elno can get got when he white knights fake victims

Need Elon to weigh in with the REAL TALK about the Damar Hamlin is dead theory his wonderful website is propagating today. Curious whether Elon is a Damar is actually dead from vaccine guy or if he’s a the overwhelming Damar is dead evidence is a clear FALSE FLAG op that will be used to discredit the truth telling anti-vaxxers guy.

The Quartering is a huge cry baby dbag. Glad he got banned. Lol.

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It must be astonishing how much these guys make selling email addresses. Crowder ran the same “sign this petition to stop right wing media from selling out by giving us your email” scam.

Anybidea what dumbass picture Quartering posted?

Listening to a Twitter Space about Ukraine. It’s the same people; Kimdotcom, David Sacks, Michael Traci etc and it’s “Azov is Nazi” , America’s fiat money is the major cause of all wars, etc. Just playing the hits


It’s kind of a deep dive but cliffs are basically there’s this grifter who calls herself Eliza Bleu. She claims to be a “survivor of human trafficking.” I guess at one point she dated someone from My Chemical Romance and was a groupie as well. She apparently has ingratiated herself to many right wing figures lately including elno. But a lot of her stories and time lines do not add up, to the point that even other right wing dbag grifters like the quartering have called her out on twatter lately.

Apparently, during or maybe a little before the time she was being “trafficked,” she starred in some video where she was naked or almost naked or something, like it was very provocative and whenever someone on twatter asks her about it she just blocks them without addressing the questions. That guy and I guess some others posted stills from the video which is still up on YouTube btw. One would think if she was being exploited/forced to do the video she would petition to have it taken down, which is what her critics have said repeatedly as well.

There’s a long thread on there that explains it all much better but she’s full of shit and being exposed daily :man_shrugging:

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