Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

You can make any element just using hydrogen which is by far the most abundant matter in the entire universe. So stop whining about recycling libs! Now this does involve being at the centre of a sun however…


nah, the sun just makes helium from hydrogen. You need a blue star that is undergoing helium fusion.

Everything heavier than iron requires a supernova explosion.

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Or two neutron stars colliding.


Seems like a few of you aren’t very hardcore at all.


Well can’t Elon just do that then? Seems easy for a genius like him.

One woman called Musk “talented but crazy” in a questionnaire distributed to potential jurors. Other potential jurors described Musk as arrogant, narcissistic, unpredictable, and irrational. One said Musk has a mercenary personality.

Valued around 1/3 of what he paid for it, and the bills start to become due.


LOL jury pools in NYC / SF always deliver.

Disappointed there’s no freak and very weird dude.


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It can’t be the hardest thing to run a sentiment analysis against the tweets and suggest accounts that you have positive reactions to even if that reduced overall engagement or am I overselling sentiment analysis?

On Musk’s first full day in charge, October 28, the executive assistants sent Twitter engineers a Slack message at the behest of the Goons: The boss wanted to see their code. Employees were instructed to “print out 50 pages of code you’ve done in the last 30 days” and get ready to show it to Musk in person. Panicked engineers started hunting around the office for printers. Many of the devices weren’t functional, having sat unused for two years during the pandemic. Eventually, a group of executive assistants offered to print some engineers’ code for them if they would send the file as a PDF.

Within a couple of hours, the Goons’ assistants sent out a new missive to the team: “UPDATE: Stop printing,” it read. “Please be ready to show your recent code (within last 30-60 preferably) on your computer. If you have already printed, please shred in the bins on SF-Tenth. Thank you!”


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What do you think the H in H2O stands for? The same stuff that powers a hydrogen bomb.

Stupid dumb egghead scientists. All the power in the world right there for the taking and they just ignore it.


Looking into it


Twitter might have had a reputation as a left-leaning workforce, but there had always been a faction that disapproved of its progressive ideals. On Slack, some of these workers had formed a channel called #i-dissent, where they asked questions like why deadnaming a trans colleague was considered “bad.” When Musk announced he was buying the company, one of the more active i-dissenters was thrilled. “Elon’s my new boss and I’m stoked!” he wrote on Linked-In. “I decided to send him a slack message. I figured you miss 100% of the shots you don’t make :sweat_smile: :rocket: :full_moon:.”

This employee was cut during the first round of layoffs.



I didn’t think the leopard would eat MY face

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