Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Let’s put all of the myocarditis on the vaccine side and none on having actual Covid. What a load of crap.

Seems like most things are

A) no vax. Risk more severe Covid. Have lots of after effects.

B)vax. Less severe Covid. Less after effects. (But not 0).

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Berenson is such a fucking fraud.

The study he’s referencing found .1% of teenagers (5 kids out of 5,000) actually developed myocarditis or arrhythmia, all of which spontaneously improved. This is inline with other studies.

But Berenson twists it all around because 17% of teenagers (in S. Korea) who knew they were in a study to monitor vaxx issues, in an environment with lots of vaxx paranoia, reported heart symptoms. Nevermind that only 1% had actual ECG abnormalities (which could mean nothing) and .1% had actual heart issues, again all of which spontaneously improved.

The studies in the Guardian article I posted take these into account, and says the risks of the vaxx vs. catching covid may be similar for teen boys. But I think only for Pfizer.

Myocarditis equal plus less Covid?

Will take that.

Yeah but parents don’t make decisions based on that. And by now everyone’s either gotten the vaxx or covid for the most part. You can catch covid multiple times, and catch it even if you’ve been vaxxed and boostered to the hilt - which means zero chance we ever get to herd immunity.

So I’ve got no desire to die on the hill of begging people to get the vaxx for society’s sake anymore. Anti-vaxxers can do whatever they want personally imo, just stop spreading fucking lies and FUD. This shit is destroying society. And of course Republicans are using it to their advantage.

It isn’t close, heart problems from covid are way more severe and frequent from covid than the vaccine.

edit: pony’s heart got myocarditis from covid.

The Guardian article I posted seems to suggest otherwise for Pfizer and teen boys. Or at least that the risks are in the same ballpark.

In poker parlance, decision in a vacuum seems close.

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I would probably just look for Moderna or J&J if I had a 15-year-old boy.

This fuckin guy man

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Break shit up into elementary particles, synthesize whatever you need. Unlimited supply!

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I’m Chemistry, dilution is a bitch there, Elon

This fucking guy is a parody.

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Just need a Sea Water Hyper Diluter © TM by Tesla, and you’re good to go!

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Yeah, he definitely has that vibe … it’s like he is trying to become the person his fans believe he is … this happened to hunter thompson (in my opinion) … maybe it’s not uncommon

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Think of all the water you will have left over!

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it’s old shtick at this point, every so often they dig out old sciency news stories, add some hyperbole, and it’s a planet savign solution ready to rule the news cycle. musk was already used to dropping these soundbites to the press, and let the articles come. but nowadays that doesn’t work, because every story starts and end with him lighting $200b on fire. so he’s out there trying to do his own pr on a website he owns. lol.

fwiw, there is a project to harvest uranium yellowcake from seawater, and it could be within 2x or 10x on cost of uranium from mining, meaning that there is a chance of it sooner rather than 20 years away. but 1) it’s not possible with every element, and 2) availability of uranium isn’t even the biggest problem or cost in uranium energy, at least in the US.

PNNL: News - Seawater yields first grams of yellowcake.

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