Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

NASA is focusing on the Moon with its planned Lunar Gateway but the real reason people would rather go to Mars than the Moon is the lunar regolith is a real pain in the ass to deal with. SpaceX is heavily involved in the gateway, they’re going to launch it to the Moon in the first place and have a bid in to use a specially modified Starship as their lander, and are the cheapest lander bid and surprise surprise, oldspace has the highest bid.

Also, it’s paradoxically a bit easier to land on Mars than it is to land on the Moon. Because the Moon has no atmosphere, all the dV to go from moon-intercept to stationary-on-the-moon has to be provided by the vehicle. Mars’s atmosphere can provide almost all the braking needed. The return trip would be much harder, but there’s significant potential to harvest fuel from atmospheric CO2 on Mars.

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What if we sent up a craft brewery and a coffee shop with an “industrial” interior design aesthetic?


You going to gentrify the moon and make it so that the clangers can no longer afford to live there. That’s a yikes.


Not going to lie, that looks really boring.

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Thanks for making me look that up. Although I am concerned about its impact on the cheese.

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I mean this is like a PT Barnum gag.


me too :grin:


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You guys have clearly not been watching for all mankind.


But some bureaucrat with “Digital Innovation” on his goals for the year gets to put a green check mark beside that goal at the end of the year. Totally worth a billion dollars or whatever.


lol amazing

Kardashian-Jenner/Boring crossover was match made in heaven.

Are there any other simple things that we can add colourful lights too in order to make them billion dollar ideas? The people who made the lincoln tunnel really missed a trick. Now everyone sees it as a necessary annoyance to drive through but if they just made if flash purple and blue all of a sudden it’s a disruptive tech innovation.

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Starship compared to the Apollo LM


Two men were killed after a Tesla car crashed into a tree and caught fire in Texas, and police believe there was nobody present in the driver’s seat at the time of the accident.

The 2019 Tesla Model S was travelling at a high speed when it failed to negotiate a curve on a winding road.

Those guys earned their fiery deaths.

But you can buckle the seatbelt without sitting in the drivers seat right?

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