Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Is he saying that they took their seatbelt off so the car “pulled over” into a tree? Because that’s not an amazing safety feature imo.

There’s also a weight sensor. So these idiots maybe spoofed that with like a barbell or something and then then it’s off to the races. Doesn’t seems like something to get worked up over, safety systems like that will never be foolproof against determined efforts to bypass them.


Although I thought there was some kind of feature that ensured driver engagement as well, which should be a lot harder to spoof?

AFAIC it’s just another entry for Darwin.

Owners who say things like “Oh but it’s been tested for tens of thousands of hours so it must be safe” have nfi about software testing.

I don’t think I’ll ever use a semi-automated self driving system that requires a human to very occasionally jump in and save the AI from doing something idiotic. My attention and reflexes just aren’t good enough, I don’t see how anyone’s could be. The whole idea is fundamentally flawed.

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Would be funnier if they were having sex at the time of the crash.

At first I misread the article and thought it said they were both in the back seat, so that was my first thought.

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No, he’s saying they did something to bypass the multiple features that stop the car from driving when it can tell there’s no one in the driver’s seat and holding the wheel. For example when the “self driving” beta first rolled out it was discovered you could jam an orange into the steering wheel and the car would think it was a human hand and just keep on driving without doing the whole loud alarm pull over thing.


I do not understand the Tesla/Musk cult thing at all.

No one around here is in that cult, if there is indeed a cult? Unless you’re saying people paying attention to and being excited by the prospect of SpaceX landing a big rocket on the moon is a cult, but if you’re not excited by space launches of big rockets I don’t know what to tell you…

I’m excited by crashes of big rockets.

My dad got a Tesla with full self driving and I took it for a spin and thought it was pretty frickin cool tbh.

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Maybe they were trying to crawl out of the car after it crashed and it was burning. Would be horrible.

At 34:30 this guy shows how he bypasses the weight system in his Tesla and is also like uhhh maybe I shouldn’t be live streaming how I do this I swear it’s safe though

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I mean, aside from everything else, do we have any evidence that Elon is able to A) be funny, or B) act?

I think I’d be just as pissed if my 8th grade English teacher was hosting because she was literally the most boring person on the planet.

I would TLDR this, but I don’t know what constitutes decent amateur acting.

No, see, this is exactly my point. Elon Musk is running like a dozen PR games at once, but none of them are targeted at avoiding taxation or expropriation. You’re projecting the argument you want to have over the actual discussion. It doesn’t even make sense. Musk doesn’t spend money on rockets as some kind of philanthropic project–it’s a big source of his wealth. It’s not like some coal baron trying to launder his reputation by donating to the opera. Elon Musk owns (a big stake in) a business that makes money by launching communications satellites and scientific payloads and astronauts, and as part of that business, he invests a lot in rocket R&D. Concretely, between my post and your reply, SpaceX won a $3 billion contract to take astronauts to the Moon on the back of these PR exercises.

No, this is factually not true. I thought the scare quotes around “PR exercises” were implied. The Artemis Program existed before any of the Starship demos started. Congress decided to spend $3 billion on going to the Moon. SpaceX convinced NASA to pay it to them by researching and developing superior rocket technologies to its competitors. If you want that money going to some other cause, then Congress is your problem.