Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

That’s all fine but he needs to hurry up and bring back a lithium space rock so Tesla’s can actually make sense economically and environmentally.


said, certified freak
Seven days a week
Wet-*** *****
Make that pull-out game weak, woo


Ok, it can’t be disputed that 2 planets would make the survival of our species much more likely in the long term. Given that though, is turning the frozen wasteland that is mars into something habitable really the way to go? Wouldn’t it be infinitely easier to grab some mountains of ice from the asteroid belt, and crash them into the moon? Sprinkle some algae around and poof… instant vacation spot.

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Let’s send all the Trumpkins and see how they make out. They can put all that rugged frontier individualism to work and really show us commie wimps how its done.

Problem with the moon is that it doesn’t have a magnetic field and the solar wind would strip away the atmosphere that is added rapidly, on the scale of years iirc.


That’s the same as a pretty old experiment. Like back in 2003 or 2004. I can’t find it because I’ve been drinking and this Elton Musk guy has polluted the google machine with his repeat of that experiment.

Mars has no magnetic field either. Biggest reason to colonise Mars and not just the moon is higher gravity and certain resources that it should have in greater amounts and more easily accessible. We should build a permanent moon base before trying on Mars though as we can at least send help to the moon in a reasonable time frame if needed. Initial living condition will be very similar as well but Mars has in theory more potential to be self sustainable.

It has higher gravity though, which should make the added atmosphere more long lived. And the solar wind maybe is less intense because it’s further away than the Earth and Moon? I don’t know if that’s significant. FWIW I think it’s dumb to want to colonize either Mars or the Moon, seems dubious that either could be self sustaining if Earth gets wiped out.

fuckin found it, my google skills cannot be thwarted by this Elton Musk guy

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I agree colonisation of Mars as a self sustaining colony is a long, long way off but I do think it is possible. I also think trying to achieve it is a worthwhile scientific endeavour. Partly because it will make it very clear this planet is our only home for a very long time to come so we need to take better care of it but also trying to do something like this leads to much more innovation than research in preventing a slow death of our planet. We as a species just like to explore and reach new ground more than taking care of what we have.

Wow, so cool

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The future has arrived!!! It’s like a subway but with only 1 car and added disco lights.

The London Underground first opened as an “underground railway” in 1863 and its first electrified underground line opened in 1890

Honestly when Uber accidentally re-invented the bus I thought that might be peak tech idiocy. But no.


It’s the downsides of all transportation methods rolled into one. I thought if not the ultra fast pods, at a minimum it’d be something like a conveyor belt that’d pull your car along at fast speeds but nope just you driving in a single lane with no shoulder and no possible exit


Don’t be ridiculous - Uber invented “busses but without all the poor people”. Thats innovation baby!

I may be thinking of Google, didn’t they like send a bus around to pick up their employees, using city bus stops? Lol.


He should just sell an attachment for the tunnels and put a few of these in there so you can at least get a car wash


It seems like the main advantage of the loop vs the Las Vegas subway is that the loop exists and the subway doesn’t. It would definitely be a dumb idea to build one of these silly tunnels paralleling a subway line, because the subway line would be much better.


Or they could just build a subway like a normal city.