Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Sounds like someone should start speaking up as the status quo isn’t working out.

Screenshot 2022-12-28 212024


So Elon finally broke twitter?

He’s probably just working on some code

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His jet appears to be headed to northern California, he’s on his way to personally fix Twitter


what happens when you lay off your entire sre/infrastructure team. likely no one there even is left to know how to fix it.

For the love of God will someone just make a twitter clone without nazis that works

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Look at him bolt back to HQ so he can uninterruptedly post “You eat balls” or whatever’s crucially important to him, the richest guy in the country

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These nerds who run in to defend the billionaire who would never acknowledge them never fail to be hilarious :joy:

mastodon is getting better and better

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It does seem to be less assy lately

really need to dig up all those posts from right after the “hardcore” announcement where the ball-lickers were all like “lol he laid off 75% of the company and the website still works”


I’d rather it just fail and not be replaced.


Good. Post rejected my application to work for them. Fuck 'em.

I really don’t want to work for Post at all. But I matched their requirements perfectly, and their website clearly needed help (every page reload shows the logged out state for a split-second, then switches to logged in - inexcusably bad).

So I applied as a favor to the world. But they’re idiots. So fuck 'em.


Can you ELI5 that?

It’s the way react works if you check the logged-in state asynchronously after the page loads (usually checking local storage, maybe looking for a cookie).

So it shows the Login button for a split-second, even though you’re already logged in. Then the response comes back and tells it you’re logged in, so it re-renders the page and shows the Logout button instead (or whatever the logged in user sees).

Probably what’s happening is there’s a header component embedded within the page component, but they aren’t using redux or any kind of global state to make sure the header component is always in sync with the user’s logged in state. So the header first renders it’s default (not logged-in state), then the page rerenders with the logged in state, which triggers child components like the header to re-render.

Very basic mistake that a major site should not be making.


Thanks. Is it bad just because it appears inelegant or is there some sort of security risk also?

It’s a sign of super amateurish code, which makes me think the rest of their codebase is probably a mess. It’s not a security risk in itself.

A problem like that should have been cleared up LONG before they started promoting themselves and taking mass signups.

It’s like that job I had with the startup and realized the node guy didn’t understand stateless architecture at all. But at least that was still in super-startup mode.

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