Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company



Post is in fact awful. Site is garbage, content is garbage.

My lol “fortune 50” retailer’s dot com site still does this shit so yeah honestly can’t blame them too much. I mean Twitter does the same thing, you just see a full screen black screen and twitter logo for about 500ms instead. I blame “micro frontends”.

The blank screen or partially filled screen is the standard way. Showing a Login button for 1/4 second, then switching to a Logout button is terrible. And not just on page load or browser refresh - on any click that shows a new page within the SPA.

I hold a Fortune 50 retailer to a much much lower standard than a brand new well-funded social media site started by the founder of Waze. If they don’t have that right, the back end code could be like something a junior dev threw together over a few weeks.

Ha funny story. This just came in.

Thank you for your interest in Post! We’ve had some changes to our requirements for our backend team, and given your skills and experience, I think you might be a good fit ! Are you still interested in considering a role with us? If so, please grab some time on my calendar here so I can learn more about you and tell you a bit about the role and our team.


In before


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Breaking up with Twitter

Look at this shit how am I supposed to leave Twitter?

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my YouTube tv was on fox biz from my parents I guess and two ladies talking on there about Twitter and whether other ceos might follow musk model and trim down their workforce and one was saying it was a threat to the left that all these people making big money at tech and not even qualified and that it’s making these companies harder to be profitable and that musk has shown you can run a company without them

I got dumber from 2 mins of that

That’s 100% the mainstream view. All of these companies can fire 75% of their lazy, entitled, work-from-home loving leech employees and be better off for it.

I finally got around to looking at this schellenbergerMD’s feed. Unsurprisingly, he is a climate truther moron. Of course he would get assigned this important task

Most companies probably could whack a huge chunk of their staff and do just fine, but it is EXCEEDINGLY hard (i.e. time consuming and expensive and uncertain) to pin down exactly which ones to fire. Even companies that do fire underperforming staff regularly have rigorous, time consuming processes and they make mistakes and hopefully wring a little long term net value our of it, but not that much. Of course a Tech Bro Dunning Kruger Boss thinks it is only exceedingly difficult for normal people, not him. He has the Vision to just fire everyone who is not “hardcore”. Simple!

“Skittle-haired profesional mouse-clickers”


Plus you run into the classic Henry Ford issue. If you fire all your tech workers who is going to buy your bespoke monthly subscription origami materials box for $25 a month?

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Just to expose myself, I am skeptical you need 7500 engineers to run tweettweet.

This is definitely my favourite. An exemplar of the form. Not possible to say “not only am I shockingly ignorant but I have zero intellectual curiosity or interest in challenging my own beliefs” more elegantly than this.


A company like twitter can’t even try to justify their pre-Elon stock price if they don’t have a huge growth story to tell. Can’t have a growth story if you’re down to a skeleton crew keeping the lights on.

Also I have been skeptical that any of the FAANGs (and minor league counterparts like twitter) need the number of engineers they have for a while. Mostly based on anecdotal stuff on HackerNews. It sounds like they’ve been deliberately stockpiling talent to starve the pool for potential competitors.

But of course the FAANGs don’t come out and say that. So the culture for major internet player like twitter demands having a shit-ton of engineers, product people, teams of people who specialize in one arcane thing you don’t really need to run the business, etc.

But again this is all just purely speculation on my part.

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Weird how Elon is so plugged into every incel and alt-right douche like this on twitter, but doesn’t notice when they inevitably get exposed as evil scumbags. He just happens to be not paying attention during that part.


Elon decoded.