Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

no, it’s socialism


1000 percent kidding

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There is an undeniable hubris on display in Exhibit H. One could argue that a reason these men appear so nonchalant about offering no-strings-attached billions is that they’ve been conditioned by years of low interest rates and a booming tech sector to assume that their fortunes will only ever grow, regardless of the business decisions they make. The men in Musk’s phone also appear wildly confident in their own abilities and those of their peers. Mathias Döpfner, the CEO of the media conglomerate Axel Springer, infamously texted Musk his bullet-pointed plan for Twitter, which began with the line item “1.), Solve Free Speech.”

Exhibit H also shows what happens when somebody with actual expertise questions the visionaries. The entire document is a demonstration of elite-level brownnosing, with the exception of one man: then-Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal. The two seem to hit it off—Musk likes that Agrawal is an engineer who can “do hardcore programming”—but then Agrawal sends Musk a text about his unhinged tweets. “You are free to tweet ‘is Twitter dying’ or anything else about Twitter - but it’s my responsibility to tell you that it’s not helping me make Twitter better in the current context,” he says to Musk. This small suggestion appears to enrage Musk and, it seems, alters the entire history of the company forever. “What did you get done this week?” Musk shoots back. And then, less than one minute later, the billionaire writes, “I’m not joining the board. This is a waste of time. Will make an offer to take Twitter private.”

Exhibit H isn’t just revealing—the existence of the document itself may have also hastened Musk’s purchase of the company. The texts exist for us to see because Musk, in a fit of buyer’s remorse, tried to back out of the deal, and Twitter sued. Although it’s unclear exactly what triggered Musk to settle the suit and continue with the Twitter purchase (he didn’t respond to a request for comment), one popular theory is that Exhibit H may have forced his hand. “I won’t speculate on his motivations, because he’s such an enigma,” Pringle said, “but it seems likely that some of these people in Musk’s phone reached out to him saying, ‘Come on, man, this is embarrassing. Make this stop.’”


The phobia is rooted in slippery slopeism. The thinking is that if we let them come for the billionaires, then one day they will come for you.

If we tax our beloved Job Creators they’ll tank the economy by refusing to create jobs, which they of course do out of the goodness of their hearts.

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That doesn’t make it any less stupid.

I think it probably makes it more stupid.

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First they came for the billionaires and I said nothing for I was not one of them

Then the came for the people making hundreds of millions and I said nothing for I was not one of them

Then they came for the people making tens of millions and I said nothing for I was not one of them

Then they came for the regular millionaires and I said nothing for I was not one of them

Then they came for the people making hundreds of thousands of dollars and I said nothing for I was not one of them


Yeah, keep going and you’ve got the thought process.

I remember several years ago the state of Washington (which has no income tax) had a ballot initiative where they were going to tax incomes over 500K (I think that was the number). How could that possibly lose? Nearly everyone under 500K benefits and only a couple of percent of the population makes more than that.

It was soundly defeated and I remember interviews with voters saying more or less what you just wrote.


The funniest part of the whole thing is that they’re just coming for regular folks while continuing to let the billionaires do whatever. There are a thousand things the IRS could have enforced better, so what did they choose to do? Make sure your aunt automatically gets a 1099-K for her Etsy business that made $601 last year.




And then I did not have to declare bankruptcy when little Susie broke her ankle and I couldn’t pay the hospital. My self responsibility never recovered.

Thanks wokeness.


At first they came for the middle class and I said nothing because one day I want to be a billionaire.


Is twitter on Chrome acting up for anyone else? I’m not able to log in. I wonder if it’s my plugin that shows paid blue checks vs. real blue checks.

Hmm it’s working again.

And now it’s doing it again.

My timeline keeps only loading tweets up to about 18 hours ago and then for whatever reason I’ll have one tweet that’s always the oldest it’ll show me but so far no log in issues.

ETA: lol dammit

Confirmed broken. I’m getting the same error

I’m sure the incels and H1B captives are working hard on it.

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Logged out incognito seems to work. The login flow seemed a little broken and when I was able to login I get the same error

ETA: it works again
Editing once more: and it’s broke again