Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

I created a Mastodon account and wasn’t able to figure out how to follow anyone because they were on a different server or some dumb thing so it’ll be cool if one server becomes the “main” one.


That’s how I feel about the moderation fights

I signed up to universeodon. If I search for someone I also get shown users from other servers. I am a newb so I don‘t know much more than that. Maybe the search only shows users from some servers but not from others. I was able to find many accounts I follow on Twitter.

On his podcast this week, Sean Carroll talks a bit about Twitter and mentions that Jack Dorsey is working on some kind of secret Twitter alternative. Anyone know anything about that?

Carroll is about as charitable to Musk as it’s possible to be at this point. He gives him credit for the achievements of SpaceX and Tesla. That’s fine, though Musk’s contributions beyond promotion and attracting investors are likely significantly overestimated (not necessarily by Carroll but by people generally) afaic.


Yeah I gave up when confronted with the “choose a server” stage. None of them jumped out at me as the obvious one to choose.

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it mostly doesn’t matter unless you pick one that is run by a nutcase but the good thing is that if you pick “wrong” mastodon has a pretty decent mechanism for moving from one to another that pushes your follow list and notifies your followers (if you want to).

All you have to do is go to the profile of the person you want to follow and click ‘Follow’. Doesn’t matter which servers either of you are on.


Cutting any government spending would be disastrous for TSLA right?

Among 10,000 other things.

It’s not really “cutting” so much as not passing a budget. It’s nihilism without principles or a demand.

Polls results say that he should resign, humm maybe bots played a role? Poll shows what he wants, the public has spoken!


Any republicans who tells me they’re worried about government spending gets reminded that the national debt grew $7,000,000,000,000 under Trump in 4 years and he did nothing about it and they didn’t care.

Elon Musk cares about the people.

In theory I agree but congrats on our government on making itself only capable of passing like 2 important bills a year. It’s what we’re stuck with. Kind of wish all these “it’s 10000 pages and no ones read it!” people would propose structural reforms so omnibus bills aren’t the only way to pass things




Should have clarified I meant from Musk’s perspective. Nihilism is a good way to describe his recent approach to everything.

always was


Damn you ponied me while I was looking for that meme


it’s like the dumbest takes from a first name bunch of numbers account, but he has 120,000,000 followers


This is not even a high school level take.

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