Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

He can do this every day for the rest of his life and be fine.

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Right like how much money do you think he burns on far dumber stuff than using Twitter as his narcissistic supply? This might be the best deal he’s ever gotten.

Code’s got too many lines man

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He should just use Mastadon. It’s free!


From Matt Levine:

One possibility — one that sort of fits within the spirit of the Elon Markets Hypothesis — is that Elon Musk no longer seems all that dynamic or fun or even interested in traveling to Mars; now he spends all his time moderating a niche internet message board and getting in fights with posters, and absolutely no one aspires to that.

heh, one gets the sense Matty never spent much time on niche internet message boards.


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This reminds me eerily of that scene in Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room where Jeff Skilling is on the earnings conference call taking questions/comments from analysts. One of fund managers pipes up with, “You’re the only financial institution that can’t come up with a balance sheet or cash flow statement after earnings,” to which Skilling responds, “Well, thank you very much. Asshole.”

My question at this point is whether twitter has always been a house of cards or if it’s just that Elon has turned it into one?

Twitter’s infrastructure is (was) pretty impressive. I’ve never seen an outage unlike say Reddit which “breaks”/times out all the time, still, and its very very fast. I seriously doubt there’s huge problems in their codebase that would fix the fact that they’re bleeding money. Its a bullshit, finger-pointing excuse.


Nah, he’s correct, no one aspires to spend their time modding that shit. Getting in fights…maybe.


From what I can gather yes. Elon thinks the code is bad, slow, whatever and wants to add functionality and other things to Twitter and thinks the best way to get the best out of everything is to start over again.

It’s not too clear because the guy kind of barged in and Elon not being very specific when he talks.

Yeah I’m sure a big part of this is Elon wantonly asking for new features every day and being told the sobering news that it will take 6 months (and then probably forgetting about those features and asking for new different features the next day). I’ve had bosses exactly like that.


He’s a tech genius but he doesn’t understand how compilers work

Do we think he can pass a Calc I exam atm? Starting to have doubts.

Also wait, wasn’t he saying last week that LOC was his performance metric? He literally already fired everyone who wrote concise code.


Too many notes.


Yeah I can’t say I’ve ever felt Twitter is annoyingly slow, as opposed to all of Reddit, Facebook and Instagram. Charitably, maybe it’s one of those situations with a tangled and Byzantine codebase where it’s hard to change things. But they have a microservices architecture so I kind of doubt it.



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Just looking forward to going back to the days when 90% of my Twitter feed is no longer about…Twitter.

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