Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

haha I had a sentence in my post about him having a junior high level understanding of government in my post but I deleted it

It’s like, tell me you know nothing about US government without telling me you know nothing about US government. Yeah, the omnibus bills are stupid, but it’s where republicans have taken us. The alternative is nothing. There is no “pass small spending bills to keep things running.”

His etch-a-sketch understanding of the twitter code base is exponentially better than his understanding of government.

From basically the time he started banging grimes to now, this has to be the biggest midlife crisis in history.

That was different. Dems just give money to lazy people. Rs use it to keep us safe. Duh.

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He should have had his mid-life crisis at 26.


I’m in favor of starting the reform process by eliminating any and all subsidies and government contracts for any Elon owned venture or company.

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I hate this line so much. It’s basically a stand-in for “someone who doesn’t have a following”. Who gives a shit if some random person in a comment section has a a bunch of followers or a sufficiently personalized username?

I thought the “bunch of numbers” thing referred to bots and/or Russian trolls

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At least in my experience, yes and no. Bot/troll accounts tend to have such names, but I see it invoked a lot as a “how dare someone like you criticize my take” in a very high schoolish way. We’re deep in some comment section, who gives a shit.

“Well that doesn’t make it right this time.”

Every. Single. Time.

Because it’s almost always a bot. Actual twitter users very rarely accept the buncha numbers username.

Maybe. For years I only used Twitter for stuff like checking what’s going on with a rain delay at a sporting event and stuff like that.

When I started using it as a source for info and sometimes engaging I didn’t bother changing my username (I’m literally just a random guy anyway) and I’d get that reply in threads about college football etc.

I love Funny People and even dropped a reference to it today before reading this.


The “negatives” against is were weird! People were really mad the tone changes. So what?


Absolutely loved that facet of the film! Was definitely unexpected but made it better!

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How the fuck do such idiots get to be bosses in the first place. I mean, Elon is an outliar and we know how he got where he is. But what’s the story for the “regular” idiot bosses?

Bullshitting and charisma is more important than competence for getting promoted.


Bullshitting and charisma is more important than competence for getting anything that you want from other people.


In b4 balance your cheque book analogy from Elon.


Hilarious coming from a guy who spent 44 billion without doing any due diligence