Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

If people click through these links and see ads, then yes. If they just read the tweets on the forum, then I don’t think Twitter benefits from that. But others probably know better.

The trying to make the rules make sense when it’s clearly aimed at stopping people from following Elon is funny. Ben Shapiro, of all people, had a good thread about how shouldn’t be banned for merely reporting on publically availabe information. But they were trying to say that Elon’s on the special masked airplane list and the kid was violating the rules by combining news of where Elon was at with deidentified planes flying in and OK that makes a kind of sense but then why is Elon banning accounts to public info airplane sites as well? Those should seem to be kosher, but they’re not apparently. It’s like it’s all ad and post hoc.

What da fuck is dis?



Time to ban @potus?

How fast would ElnoFTs sell out I wonder?

“Elon was the proud father, Tesla has grown up. An executioner, Tim Cook-like is needed, not Elon.”




Need more “ad revenue is way down” content dopamine hits in here


They might get one extra impression when the tweet is cached on Unstuck server. But not every time an unstucker looks at it

Yeah last night I went ahead and deleted my account that I just use to lurk. Apparently you don’t need an account to view twitter anymore so I didn’t even really need it.


It’s like real life Gavin

Yup, I just did the same. Probably meaningless given that I have like two tweets and 90% of my twitter interaction was just reading tweets that get linked elsewhere, but still.

I know he’s rich as fuck and owns Twitter, but can we (the royal we) just fucking ignore Elon Musk? He’s a 12-year-old troll who does shit out of spite. Stop giving him air. Every sick burn or “lol” just makes him stronger.


Has the ‘just try ignoring them’ worked for anyone online ever?


Adam McKay (over a million followers) just deleted his account. A meaningful number of people doing this has to be pretty bad for twitter financially.

Also, people like him, Rupar, etc will continue to have influence, and someone will see the opportunity in giving them platform. And once they demonstrate it can be done elsewhere, others will follow.

Banning extremely popular people is very dumb business, beyond just first order lost ad revenue or whatever.

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I get that Trump’s version of twitter is full of deplorables, but does the software not at least function decently? How can it be that post, mastodon, etc all suck so hard and Trump’s idiots have apparently figured out a functional alternative to twitter? Doesnt Devin Nunes or whatever his name is run it?

Truth is Mastodon


Works for me and plenty of others on this site when it comes to the clown fights