Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

OK Grandpa, let’s get you to bed.


Have you ever asked yourself why they stopped publishing those assassination lists? Lots of those people listed in the white pages are dead now. Makes you think.


I think they were cancelled because they were WHITE pages.


The perpetual victimhood is both nauseating and completely inexplicable.

Some may think it gauche to quest the mental health of other people, but the term “persecutory delusion” comes to mind.


I’m pretty sure when they injected Hitler with meth the doctor didn’t tell him it was meth, he was just like “oh here’s a natural health serum that will keep you sharp”.

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Comparing Dear Leader Elon to Hitler? That’s a ban.

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It’s a federal offense worth a week ban here!

I did not compare anyone to Hitler. In fact, by assuming that’s what I was doing, YOU are the Hitler-comparer.


I kept reading that as he wanted to pull a gorgeous woman in her 40s out of his ear, and then I’d get confused.

Reading people’s comments on these bans will probably get me to finally rage delete Twitter. All the free speech warriors love it because actually it’s just a fair turnaround to old Twitter when right wing accounts were banned for “no reason.”

Being racist and doing journalism are morally equivalent obviously.


Elon poll now 58.6% unban “now”, 41.4% in 7 days with 11 hours to go and almost 2.9M votes. I’m just waiting on Dave Wasserman to let us know when he’s seen enough.

Also, if I know anything about Elon from the last few weeks, this vote is going to be used as justification to unsuspend hundreds of literal shitbags that were likely banned for doxxing/stalking/etc in the past. He has to find a way where he wins no matter what and with losing the vote, he’s going to use it as justification “well that’s what you all voted for…” and unsuspending a bunch of accounts to own the libs seems highly probable imo.


Weren’t all shitbag accounts to the “left” of Alex Jones already unsuspended?

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I literally cannot leave this stupid platform.

I am on my third account. My other two were permanently suspended for being mean to conservatives, because the site is biased against conservatives. My current account is serving its last day of a 7-day twitter jail sentence because, I kid you not, I called someone a “redneck.” Like as soon as I clicked the tweet button I was instantly locked.

I have been trying to delete my account since then. Every time I do, I get this e-mail, in an endless loop:

This happens with all three accounts. You CANNOT delete your account if it is locked or suspended, period. I assume these accounts still count toward the user total though right? lol


At last, an Elon related poll that I care enough to vote in!

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Does Twitter get anything positive from Tweets that are posted other places, like here? Like “impressions” or something?

Probably yes for any of the higher profile type of user. I’m thinking it will be more of just random Tom, Dick, and Harry that will be unsuspended.