Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Elon, by his father’s recollection then probably 16 years old, and his brother Kimbal, decided to sell emeralds to Tiffany & Co. on Fifth Avenue in New York – one of the world’s most famous jewellers – as his father lay sleeping. “They just walked into Tiffany’s and said, ‘Do you want to buy some emeralds?’” Errol recalled in an interview with Business Insider South Africa. “And they sold two emeralds, one was for $800 and I think the other one was for $1,200.”

A few days later the family returned to the store to find that Tiffany was selling the $800 emerald, now set in a ring, for $24,000 – a markup of 30 times the price Elon had received for the gem.


It would serve them right if Elon bought Tiffany and fucked it Twitter-style.



Weeks? So they’re two weeks overdue on December rent? Or did Elon make his first decision as owner not to pay November rent? Or does commercial rent not work that way?

I did see someone mention that perhaps Twitter owned the building and had sold it to a Corp and then rented it from the Corp so not paying rent is basically shifting the debt to the investors who probably won’t press the issue as opposed to an outside company that’d evict them, but I haven’t seen anyone confirm that.

That’s quite the dodge. Business is bullshit. Change my mind.


This is super common for ‘tax planning’ for large multinationals. Pay rent to international related party property owner and deduct at high corporate tax rate while the related party is based in a no/low tax jurisdiction so pays very little tax on this related party rental income (if they even account for it in that way).

Fuck if I know

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It’s no wonder people can hype break-even fusion reactors that don’t actually break even.

This is indeed the way.\_cup_half_full_/status/1602724262233645057

Counterpoint: don’t do this.

There I just saved you $200k.

I’ll take my $20k in cash.

I’m very late to the party but goddamn this guy apparently owns like half the stores in every luxury shopping mall and elite retail district on earth. And I wasn’t even aware of him until now.

I think today is the day I joined Team Asteroid.

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Dodged a bullet there, eh?

Next step is melding the legacy “might be notable” accounts and $8/month turdballs together so you have no idea which is which. And of course corporations get gold badges because freeze peach.

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jack dorsey gave up a long time ago, once he figured out that square was 300x more lucrative for him personally

I would give up on everything once I hit like 5M. GG I’m out good luck with all the Nazis and child porn and shit cya don’t call me.


I somehow forgot this

The $5.7 billion of Tesla Inc. shares that Elon Musk donated to an unnamed organization at the end of 2021 went to his own charitable arm, instantly making it one of the largest foundations in the US.

The foundation’s tax forms list Musk, his right-hand man Jared Birchall and Matilda Simon as directors. There are no other employees listed in the filing.

Musk sent $5.7 billion of Tesla shares to charity in November 2021 as he sparred with politicians including Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren over inequality and a proposed wealth tax. He never said where the money had ultimately gone.

A large gift to charity would have helped reduce what Musk has described as the biggest tax bill in US history. Days before he completed a series of stock sales worth more than $16 billion — much of which was to cover the exercise of almost 23 million options — the Tesla CEO tweeted he would pay more than $11 billion in taxes for the year.

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