Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Think he’s posting WWG1WGA in less than a week?

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Why not? Elon is basically Trump at this point and can lie and contradict himself at any point and his millions of fan boys will worship him for it.

This is funny as f because he is screaming transparency and trying to release everything that happened before him. Dude is a full clown car of clowns.

Pedophiles do all kinds of crazy stuff. I recently learned of a way they use TikTok’s to share content.

They create accounts and make it private. They upload videos. These videos are never shown to the public. They then share the account login with other collectors. These collectors are also expected to upload new content. Apparently some of these accounts have huge amounts of cp.

Holy fuck. He wrote 12000 words on being banned from a mastodon server.

Edit: sorry, not sorry for all the consecutive posts

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A no context picture of Elon musk and his ex wife

A no context picture of Elon musk and one of his friends.



Note: I think she means the now-deleted accounts operating with impunity had 10 million views (not the child sex abuse material itself).

This person is insane. This is basically qanon without the name.


He could have just been the Tesla guy. Post memes, play pretend Tony Stark, troll for the fun of it. Now he’s going full QAnon.


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The formatting on his follow-up tweet gets ruined by the embed but it’s good


If you only have a hammer, all the world is a nail.


Human Events backed US military intervention in the Vietnam War; after the war ended, the publication blamed American liberals for the collapse of South Vietnam.[14]

In July 1985, Human Events gave qualified support to Apartheid South Africa, describing the country as “a pro-Western bulwark that provides more in the way of freedom and wealth to its blacks than the vast majority of black African states”.[15][16]

Apparently the most important thing to her is not talking about her history as a human trafficking abuse survivor.

She’s in personal contact with Elon.

Her article about the 13 y/o abuse victim appeared in Glenn Beck’s “The Blaze” and concerns a Thai guy who ran a kiddi porn account and website, with the apparent victim a 13 yo Thai national.

I’m getting white hot grifting vibes off her.

In any event, Elon won’t be able to solve her fake “Twitter doesn’t act on kiddi porn” problem, so she’ll probably be attacking him in a few months (kidding, that would kill the grift).

I do think this is useful because a lot of people don’t pay attention to right wing grifts when they’re not trying to overturn democracy, but there’s definitely a permanent “are opponents are pedos” operational level to the right wing (communist no longer works), perhaps not as prominent as the “gay agenda” people, and it’s tightly linked to the Don’t Say Gay people (Desantis), which is political performance for the dumbest most racist 10-20% who have no understanding of politics, history, law, or the political system and who strongly influence GOP primaries.

Btw, don’t forget the party buddy of a current right winger (Gaetz) was trafficking underage girls across state lines for sex. Surely he will be removed from the GOP caucus so the GOP doesn’t accidentally elevate another pedophile to a leadership position.

Long article for context into this BS.

I watched the rest of the video a few minutes later, on my own phone. “We are digital soldiers, fighting the greatest war the world has never seen,” the voice-over explained. The bad guys: Barack Obama, Ellen DeGeneres, Lady Gaga, Chuck Schumer, Tom Hanks, Oprah Winfrey, Hillary Clinton. The good guys, a much smaller team: Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Barron Trump, Jesus, and an unidentified soldier holding a baby swaddled in an American flag. And, by implication, me, the viewer. “Our weapon is truth,” the voice-over continued as music swelled in the background. “We’ll never give up, even if we have to shake everyone awake one by one.”

As a 1986 story in The Atlantic recounted, the nonprofit National Child Safety Council printed photos of missing children on 3 billion milk cartons; a person would have had to be paying close attention to notice that all the photos were of the same 106 faces.



Pretty basic thread (e.g. advisory councils don’t have power they just make suggestions) but it spells out how this is all bad faith stuff from Musk. I bet he loved having a Podesta name to throw around.



He’s actually doing the “turn the dial and look back at the crowd for approval thing” but instead of just RACISM it’s literally every deplorable conservative trope he stumbles on.