Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

What does he stand for, though.


If a conservative mentions child porn or human trafficking, 100% of the time its code for all sex is bad and they yearn for the Handmaid’s Tale.

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I feel like that’s an explicit part of their message. What it might as well be code for is “why would you ever WANT to date someone who has a similar amount of experience being a grown-up as you do?”

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I knew it!

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Going after Michelle is funny. Doesn’t she have like a 80% approval rating or some shit?

This just proves that white conservative men are the most oppressed group in America. Will one EVER catch a break!?!?!?


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Not sure why I’m asking cause lol but what is the “logic” behind prosecute Fauci? He literally was an advisor and made zero decisions right? He had no actual power.

He created the pandemic

He also hates freedom. Its also pretty suspicious that he continues to not condemn pedophiles every day. MAKES YOU THINK!

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If Trump was motivated by Obama making fun of him at the correspondents’ dinner, maybe the equivalent for Musk was being criticized by the cave diver in Thailand. That was 2018 and Elon was already hitting back with made-up pedophile accusations.

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obviously you answered your own question. something something freedom meow chow

The top 3 talking points appear to be:

  1. Fauci personally funded gain of function research in Wuhan and created the virus

  2. Fauci flip flopped on masks

  3. Something about Fauci murdering beagles

Owns stock in vaccine companies or maybe his wife does!

God he wants to be an epic shitposter so bad but his posts are just oozing with tryhard loser energy. Repulsive.


Something is definitely at play with her.

Elon has decided he doesn’t want to go to Mars anymore, he’s sending his lawnmower there instead


Skip this article if animal suffering at the hands of humans enrages you.


Elon must have realized how much money there can be in grifting right wingers. Imagine the government contracts that are going to get thrown at him if Rs takeover the whole federal government.

He might be the only one who can keep trump’s cult together and direct them at Desantis if they successfully bury Trump. Desantis definitely doesn’t have the charisma and cult following to do it himself.

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