Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Amazing. Also digging the new avatar.

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I’m a half mile from I-90!

lol are you only now discovering drill? He’s a national treasure.


He shockingly has not penetrated the romance publishing industry parts of Twitter, but I see returning to Unstuck has already broadened my horizons!


Someone once said drill and John Dingell should be on the Mt Rushmore of Twitter.


I used to be like 100 feet away (and some feet underground) but now I’m a mile and a half away :frowning:

I’ve driven on I-90 probably more than all other 2 digit interstates combined. Been on every mile between Madison and Boston. My 2 favorite cities are on it (Seattle, Boston)

The whole thing is being oversensationalized for effect IMO.

But all else being equal, given there are no shortage of available lawyers in the US, Twitter should probably be using lawyers that were not former FBI employees to vet information of whether the FBI was involved in malfeasance or not.

My favorite from that sphere of Twitter


Along with Rex Chapman and Naomi Wu.

dril is like Tim & Eric. Unexplainable and difficult to understand. You either get him, or you don’t.

He has a “show” if you can call it that on YouTube which I think bled into adult swim but the stupid pandemic screwed it all up, at least that is when I stopped getting notifications for it

I’ve never gotten Tim and/or Eric. But I’ve also never really tried. Other than the hot dog skit, I don’t think drive-by clips work very well.

I tried the clip with the safari fedora dice guy. I couldn’t hack it.

I am not certain where they began but I think the first time I saw them was maybe on a Mr. Show segment? If you are familiar with that old relic.

It’s basically comedy for stoners or perhaps lsd doers

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I loved Mr. Show - one of my all time favorites.

Tim and Eric is Dada humor or something.

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I think you’re confusing Tim and Eric with I think you should leave, which is Tim Robinson.

Tim and Eric is even stranger.

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Ah yes I am. For some reason I just assumed that was the same Tim - since they’re both weird.

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It’s absolutely theater of the absurd type stuff. If you have I think HBO max you can get all of the episodes of the original Awesome Show and some of the other stuff too that used to air on Comedy Central. The episodes are like 15 minutes so you can watch a couple and find out quickly if it’s for you without investing a ton of time

As for dril, he’s gotten to the point that he could literally post an article like “an” and the universe would declare it comedy gold because it’s him

Have you ever seen “too many cooks” or “unedited footage of a bear?”


I miss Dingell, RIP to a real one.