Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

My twitter is mostly cats and film twitter and sumo with a little news thrown in. I’m pretty great at curating it.

…pressure from Musk to go faster.

This is famously bad in aerospace. I think the people actually doing shit at SpaceX are especially adept at managing Elon or else run good.

Here we go!



It’s boring. Some guy was deciding what should and shouldn’t be released who maybe had an interest in keeping some of it suppressed, and was doing so without telling management. Elon fired him. That’s the reason for the delay in releasing more documents. The next batch will be released at @bariweiss, I think they said in a couple days.

No surprise it’s another fat nothing burger.

This “some guy” is Twitter’s lawyer. Is anyone surprised a lawyer screened some things that might have legal implications?

Lol that thread. Bari discovered ‘some guy named Jim’ was vetting the files. Jim turned out to be Jim Baker, which in the way they said it it seemed like everyone should know who he was. In any case apparently the guy was one of the lawyers who was making the determination about the Hunter laptop being hacked materials, which if you’re going for full transparency, you wouldn’t want the guy who was a part of the original incident to also be vetting the release of documents about the incident, but I can’t tell why he was fired. I guess because he didn’t tell them, but also emoji shrug.

A nothingburger either way.

The thread didn’t mention Hunter’s laptop, so I didn’t make that connection. Which apparently Baker was involved with killing the story and some bans while working at Twitter. From previous thread

This Tweet makes a connection to other controversial things he’s been involved with, but doesn’t go into detail.

I can’t get my Twitter to look like that. But my Facebook feed is mostly perfect. Memes, sports and poker.

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Jim Baker you say?

This one:

Or this one:

Also, lawyers are naturally risk averse, any decent lawyer is going to be advising caution in that instance. This is so fucking stupid.

post dot news is awful, the fucking serif font is killing it for me but the content is like a bunch of fucking boomers, they just happen to all be libruls

You really don’t realize how much of the good on twitter is dril types until going to post. I tried, it’s just not good because there is no humor.

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WTF this is a real person?!


“described as a bizarre reflection of a typical male American Internet user”

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I’m torn between the fact that the “bedrooms” sound exactly like the habitation pods from Fifteen Million Merits and the fact that the only crime SF actually cares about is creating an unauthorized dwelling.


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