Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

, it’s just a bunch of #resistance libruls posting social shit?

I’m getting tons of right wing nonsense and hunter laptop derp no matter how many people I block or mute.

So it’s basically just like Twitter?


LOL I meant on twitter.

MSNBC viewers will love Post, I can’t really get into it.

post is the one where you’re not allowed to make fun of billionaires right?


Same. Muting seems to work better than blocking, but only somewhat.

Also I read on Reddit that when we want to link to content on that site, we should not be linking directly to tweets. I guess that helps drive “site impressions” or whatever it is he keeps blathering on about lately. It’s always better to use screen shots that do not link back directly to the site so that it/he doesn’t get credit. :man_shrugging:

I swear you are a Boomer at heart.


I think you mean you are enjoying profound freedom of speech.


Where is that option! I’ve tried to find it so many times.

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I don’t think it’s just at heart

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Click or tap on the little Star thing at the top.

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Thanks - was rummaging around in settings, of course.

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If Twitter ever removes or screws up Latest Tweets, I will switch to my lists full time. If they screw up lists, I’ll leave twitter. I’ll never put up with them curating a bunch of crap for me.


So it’s a bunch of Brooklyn Dads?

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What is “huge sex”? I am afraid to google it.

Thanks, I will hang up and listen.


Is that a reference to one of Eddie Izzard’s best bits???

I think on the seventh day, God was running around, going, “Oh, my God! What haven’t I…? Rwanda! I better create Rwanda! Sorry, haven’t quite done that… The Tower of Pisa! Oh, it’s leaning… Oh, shi… done! Toilets in French camping sites… there we go. English football hooligans… there we go, whatever that is… Mrs. Thatcher’s heart… there we go… oh, fuck that! I know, I’ll put a stone in, that’ll work! There we go…” The next week, I think, people are coming back, going, “Rwanda doesn’t work very well; infrastructure’s fucked.”

Tho to more directly stay on topic, Dame Izzard faced her share of transphobia on Twitter once she announced her bid for MP of Sheffield.

Izzard, 60, a comedian who identifies as a gender-fluid trans woman, congratulated Mohamed on her victory, tweeting: “She will make a fine MP and I look forward to campaigning with her in the months and years to come.”

Speaking to the Guardian in October, Izzard said she had suffered a “torrent of transphobic abuse” since announcing her candidacy.

A gender-critical feminist took a photo of Izzard using the women’s toilet at a campaign event in September, tweeting it with the caption “coming out of the ‘ladies’ loo”.

Mohamed, a human rights lawyer, called her selection “the honour of my life”. She will replace Paul Blomfield, who is standing down with a majority of 27,273.

On Twitter, she said: “We have faced huge amounts of abuse, racism or transphobia throughout this campaign. It has been very difficult to sift through this and continue to run positive campaigns. Yet, we all managed it.”

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My home feed and for you feed look the same as before. It’s certainly possible that pre-Musk Twitter had the algo set to show liberal content to liberals even if they clicked on lots of right wing stuff, and musk has changed it to show people more of what they click on without any “guardrails”

Twitter was barely useable without latest tweets even pre-Elon, but that’s probably what most people use and I’m curious to see what a torrent of BS it is now.

I rarely see tweets from people I don’t follow, and it usually leaves me scratching my head how they showed up.

nope, my home feed is 100% michigan football and naked black women :+1:t3:


I block every single promoted tweet I see, and have definitely noticed a huge increase in them over the past few weeks. I use Latest Tweets and find most of the promoted shit is buried in the replies to stuff I drill into.
Maybe I’m just more aware of it now but it certainly seems like the promoted crap is getting pushed harder recently.