Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

They just ignore every time it’s pointed out to them.

What does this mean? looks interesting. Unfortunately I’m ~#180,000 in the waitlist to get in…


No news is good news.

This one looks maybe promising and from someone who seems to have good motives.


Agreed that it sounds neat. I better sign up now.

Good thread



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I’m not so sure that it’s because the media didn’t take the bait so much as it is the Laptopgate story was so incoherent that they didn’t know how to even present it to viewers. If they had a more concrete thing to latch on to like Hillary’s emails, would they have fallen for it? Almost certainly imo.

They will pivot to “it’s not the crime it’s the cover up” when they need to.

It’s say Hunter’s laptop and Hillary’s emails are similar in that the scope of the problem, even if you take 90% of the accusations as true, is pretty small.

The difference is that there didn’t seem to be any evidence that Biden had done anything wrong, but Clinton had clearly broken a law, again one that in the scope of things was pretty small.

So there was something there that centrists could hang their hat on to continue to report the story.

So now the issue has shifted from Biden’s supposed corruption to the media’s perfidy is not going along with the right wing gambit to then eventually throw up ink around Biden.

That’s why Greenwald is talking about journalists’ obligations to print stolen material no matter who it’s from. He’s pissed that the mainstream media didn’t follow the script they were supposed to, even if an outside observer would say there no reason why they needed to.


I think there was clear wrongdoing though. Biden’s failson getting a plumb job he wasn’t remotely qualified is possibly worse than skirting around email recordkeeping rules.

For whatever reason the Trump campaign and Fox News decided they needed to add sizzle to the story so we got this incoherent mess of a narrative about a mystery laptop and crack pipes and a pedo ring and now your average voter couldn’t even begin to explain what the deal is. Maybe that’s the nature of right-wing meda that everything has to be supercharged and baroque to keep the AM radio crowd listening. Rudy being an absolute clown didn’t help either. I really think if they’d stuck with a simple, disciplined message of Biden trading access for favors it would have played out like Emailgate.



The NY Post is the outlet that got their hands on the laptop data, verified it (according to them, I am sure most readers of this forum wont accept this), and published its contents, driving the narrative of this story. The NY Post is, at its core, a tabloid; hence you get a lot of stories on the drugs, prositutes, and guns; as opposed to sticking to a disciplined, political message.

Also, although it is clearly political and right wing, Fox News itself isn’t exactly The Hill, and is itself very much a tabloid.

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Greenwald believes it is the duty of journalists to uncover the news stories govt agencies like the CIA, NSA and FBI want buried. So he views journalists working with these agencies to bury stories (even towards a perceived common good) as a serious dereliction of duty.

This was true ish a decade ago, now he’s just a hack mad at the world and appearing on Tucker weekly.

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The thing is, Elon heard about the Hunter Biden laptop story and thinks it’s necessary to go all in, including roping in star journalists matt tiabi and bari weiss, to expose Twitter’s shenanigans.

That shows, along with 15 other things since taking over, that he’s gone full Fox news brain, which is typically seen in only the dumber portion of the populace.

I suspect too much of Thiel rubbed off on Musk at PayPal, or he’s genuinely done too many drugs at too many burning man’s and lacks the “maybe my idea is bad” gene.

However it is going to shake out, it’s going to be bad for Twitter’s prospects. Literally, some group needs to invest $200M and promise a more moderated version of Twitter (that isn’t some DYI bullshit like Mastodon) without hate speech or porn and they will make bank within a year. I heard several qualified programmers are even looking for jobs. They could name it, Fritter, the EU compliant social media site.


Not to be outdone by other matt


Yeah he’s just going to keep going
