Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

My worry is the latter. I mean I dunno what that mess was with Tim Cook this week but it being resolved satisfactorily for Elon makes me depressed.


I think Biden should testify, his opening statement " you guys are a disgrace for calling these hearings, have some sense of decency, Biden out".
Then gets up and leaves and doesn’t answer any questions.


Someone transcribed Elon’s explanation Of why he banned Kanye. Was a bit goofy. I went to copy link and it was gone.

I knew. I should have. Screenshotted it.

That worked really well for Adam Schiff etc etc etc for the past 5 years amirite

FYP. For fucks sake there’s 10+ people in this thread who haven’t deleted their twitter accounts.



Elon has a Time Machine as this was posted almost six hours in the future.

Apparently apple has fully resumed advertising on twitter.

That too.

Not me though, I don’t even use twitter.

I think I have a twitter account but I haven’t logged in ages. Does it matter if I actually delete it or not?

I’m dreaming bigger and hoping twitter stays up as enough of a shit show to get section 230 repealed.

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Just because it won’t work isn’t necessarily a reason not to do it.

A lot of options open up when you accept the best you’ll ever do is annoy someone :smiley:

And then pardons Hunter

nonstop stream of derp now


astronaut dot jpg tho

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We haven’t heard from Bari Weiss in a while, how’s her free speech university going?

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The Lord tells me she can get me out of this mess, but she’s pretty sure Twitter is effed.

I photoshopped a composite of all of the images the AI generated.


There really is something wrong with the reply count. Says 55 replies.

But click on the actual tweet and it shows no replies at first.

So we click Show more replies:

And that’s it.

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I still get puzzled by how they don’t know what a “government official” is.