Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

No lies detected?

No, lies detected!


26k people and rising fast (31k a minute later as I type) listening to twitter spaces with elon and scammers of various sorts (journalist, nft, scamchain founder, various others) who gained notoriety over the last few weeks covering the FTX scandal everyday.

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A right wing former congressional candidate literally inciting violence on Twitter. No action taken so far

His heel turn was like a decade ago. I think his style of journalism was always Seymore Hersh-type conspiracy theories (which were occasionally correct for Hersh because Vietnam.)

I reported it. I am sure they will jump on it now.


I agree - you’ll be banned within hours for reporting it.


Listening to Elon’s Twitter spaces right now. It’s all right wing clowns. Elon’s threading the needle with them. He’s not indulging them but also talking about democratizing news away from the mainstream media. Something anodyne enough that no one would really disagree with it but if you wanted to hear that Elon was taking on the liberal press you could read into it

Edit: Elon’s talking about what could be in Twitter files part 2. Seems a bit fluffy. Lots of talk about Orwell, blah, blah, blah. Seems like it’s going to involve what happened after Biden became president and the Homeland Security project to combat disinformation. Going to guess its not going to reveal anything new, just rehash the already existing reporting from the social media’s point of view.

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When do we get twit files 2.0 and which substacker will publish them?

Elon said he was depending on Taibbi and I couldn’t hear very well but I thought he said Bari Weiss and he was relying on their journalistic expertise.

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Kim DotCom lol. What a sewer.

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I think I have finally come to the realization that the laughs I had at Elon being forced to purchase are not going to be worth the damage Elon does with it. I don’t think he is gonna make twitter go busto fast enough.


Lol now some random person is complaining about the Ukrainians, calling NAFO bots.

Oh Michael Tracy is jumping in now, great. Asking if there are pro Ukrainian bots and complaining that he was a target of NAFO Lol


This is our world now.

Been doing some scrolling on twitter, and I know someone pointed this out previously, but the amount of right wing self love going on is absolutely insane.

James Woods has now decided to sue the DNC for “ruining” his career after that blockbuster Twitter thread. Looks like justice is finally coming.

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Is he also going to sue Foxwoods for how many times he stacked off with tptk?


We are full mask off at this point no?

It’s Don coming down the escalator all over again.

I learned my lesson. I’ll just read a good book.

And watch this again. Christ.

This one is kinda funny tho.

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I just don’t see how right wingers buying blue checks at $8 apiece can make up for advertisers fleeing the platform at the rate they are, unless advertisers stop caring