Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company


So all this fuss was about Hunter’s dick pics?

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The obvious king move is for Hunter to tweet more dick pics.


I think he means he would like to sue the federal government rather than Twitter. Of course, that is also dumb.

Obviously, Don Jr. is too embarrassed about his penis to post dick pics.


LMFAO even Greenwald thinks they’ve lost the plot.

Republicans really need to sit down and workshop a simple story they can tell about Hunter, this has become impossible to follow.

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Nah he’s chastising anyone who makes it something other than THE STORY OF THE DECADE of epic corruption. How dare people focus on that that Twitter was taking down revenge porn that’s in the documents released? That doesn’t matter! What matters is the Biden Presidency strong arming Twitter and the Biden family corruption (that’s not in the documents)

When Biden wasn’t even President

No that he is really President now

Such a cringey nerd. Like Elon is the guy in the friend group everyone else makes fun of, constantly.

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Like “Biden is giving his failson cushy jobs as a grift” is a simple narrative and it’s true! It’s open and shut corrupt nepotism that’s easy to understand, they don’t have to spin this confusing narrative about Hunter‘s laptop and secret pedo rings or whatever.

noone to check on the server core temperature huh? i’m sure it will be fine during the final match

Fake governor account. Real Mike Lee account.


There is nothing to this just like there was nothing to the Hillary email nonsense. But you can bet this isn’t going to stop the House from endlessly holding hearings about it for the next two years.

Can’t wait for a Congress critter giving a speech about Biden cover up while standing next to a poster of hunters hog


I don’t think “BasedMikeLee” is the actual Senator’s account is it?

And if it’s not, it’s pretty obvious that this account is trying to impersonate the real Mike Lee based on its tweets, but since it’s right wing I guess it gets to stay up :thinking:

Oh it’s real.

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