Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

This isn’t even like the 2A where it’s ambiguously worded and yet it still baffles so many people.


They’re promising to dish the dirt on “shadowbanning” etc but like, I can’t imagine there’s much truth to any of that, right? Especially since they led with this nothingburger. It’s going to be funny watching Elon discover in real time that while people may claim to want the unvarnished truth, what they actually wanted was their fantasies confirmed.

Every GOP politician tweeting about this at the exact same time is extremely pathetic

Twitter was way too nice to right wing assholes and nazis and racists and liars BEFORE this fucking asshole bought it

It’s literally impossible for a company to violate the first amendment but every right wing idiot, and far too many on the left, are convinced that’s a thing. It’s so annoying.


This is an imperfect example, but there are First Amendment considerations with private companies that act as common carriers.

I read most of that I don’t get the first amendment consideration. In that case it appears that CA just has even greater free speech protections than the Constitution allows, which is perfectly fine for them to do. They can have more protections or the same protections, but they can’t have less.

turns out chris hayes reads this thread


Let me get this straight. Political campaigns flaged tweets for the Twitter content review team to review. The team then reviewed them.

Am I missing something?

Yes. And of course this signifies that woke people control the media, hate free speech and are here to murder any cis-het white men left on earth


Man, wait until these apolitical “government should never be entwined with media” advocates find out about FoxNews.


Oh, you sweet summer child.


very cool, the mastodon server I’ve been using has been swamped by bots and is offline

As someone disconnected to mainstream news and Twitter, Taibbi is a bigger surprise than Tulsi or Greenwald. I remember enjoying some of his long form stuff in Rolling Stone several years ago. I really didn’t know about this heel turn until yesterday.

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Just thinking about the source code is not enough. It is definitely false to say that software can’t be secure just because it’s developed by volunteers or because it’s open-source. However, actually running a service is an entirely different thing. You can set up a server and run it without too much effort, but actually operating it securely takes a ton of effort and time and expertise. Who is monitoring access patterns to detect credential stuffing attacks? Who is checking to ensure that passwords are rotated? Who gets paged when there’s an incident and how do they know what to do about it? Who is monitoring new CVEs and making sure they’re patched? Almost certainly the answer is no one, which means these sites aren’t secure. UP is not secure. No volunteer-run site is secure.

I stayed on top of that stuff when I was admin. It’s really not difficult to keep small systems up to date and secure if you’re using mainstream software and a well maintained OS distro. I set aside Sunday mornings for it and was usually done before finishing my first cup of coffee.

Uh umm err… does he really understand what he is asking Elon to do?

Can’t say I am against view counts on tweets.

By the way part 2 of twitter files out today.


calling it The Twitter Files is such a stupid idea too. like they had to sit there and think about a catchy name for this idiocy, here are some more ideas from their meeting

The Biden Thread
The Suppression Tweets
The Hunter Hashtags
Loose Change

“Dumb Shit”