Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

This is some of the dumbest shit Ive ever seen.


Genius move to plan an attempted dramabomb at quittin’ time on Friday.


This is really boring so far. Dramabomb or gtfo.

Has anyone else noticed this? Do you see how the template in the tweet supposedly has 137 replies?

But then when I click on it I only see two replies

This is happening everywhere.

So far it’s basically an excuse for the anti-Twitter crowd to point and go SEE!!! SEE!!! But refuse to even attempt to explain to why it’s a big deal


So far what I see is a small overreach in censorship which was rolled back after internal discussion.

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Yeah these twitter files are pure AIDS.

Lol. The funny part is Elon is all randymarshing over his night stand watching this unfold.

I thought there would be something at least slightly off putting.

They make unstuck’s about moderation thread look like serious counsel.


Can someone give me a TLDR on what happened to GG? I must have been in a comatose state because I remember him being a well respected independent journalist. Was I just young and naive?

Also like Tulsi and Taibbi, almost certainly just straight up on the Putin payroll


This. All Russia needs to do is have a million bots subscribing to their substacks (and whatever Tulsi has). Totally legal, author has plausible deniability if it ever comes to light.

That’s it? That was boring. Kind of looking forward to the rest, but if they’re leading with this, I can’t imagine there’s going to be much there.

Dude you actually expected substance from the Matt Taibbi reveal? JFC come on man

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Even Gorka thinks this shit is weak. Also, the takedown requests from team Biden in that email that was screenshotted were apparently Hunter dick pics, which are obvious TOS violations.

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This dude has a real blue check

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Also in one of the screenshots (now deleted) Taibbi doxxed Jack Dorsey’s private email. And apparently it included the word “pizza”. You can imagine how this is being received in QAnon land.

Edit: his email address is “”.

I mean… Honestly if you’re already pizzagate curious I can’t blame you if that raises some eyebrows lol.

Gee it almost seems like this bullshit campaign is coordinated

I don’t get how anyone thought this shit was going to be fire. The median opinion on derposphere Twitter was that the FBI instructed Twitter to cover the story up. Was Elon not aware of this? Instead we got what looks like a good faith internal discussion about whether the tweets fall under the site’s hacking policy. Nobody can jack off to this, man.

You buried the lede.

I watched a few of their videos eons ago. Amazing to see how uh far they’ve come.