Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

I remember the diet caffeine free cheery vanilla dr pepper that lasted for like a month 20 years ago or so. That was good stuff but I think it killed an infant or something.

I haven’t been able to bring myself to order a Dr. Pepper ever since I found out its doctorate is in educational administration.


There’s no period in Dr Pepper.


I’m a little concerned about the fact that Twitter hasn’t collapsed yet given that it appears to be an extreme net-negative for the world right now.

Diet Vanilla Dr. Pepper is amazing. Unfortunately those machines seem to have disappeared everywhere.


I’d like to see ‘ol Eli Musk wriggle his way out of this one!


Before anyone presses play who is inclined to watch the whole video and then complain about it, this is just a yt-famous dude talking about Dr Pepper. No Elon content whatsoever. That I know of.


elon: twitter is the free speech amendment

eu: :leolol:


I thought Jude Doyle wrote a great analysis of why Twitter isn’t going away, as well as why attempts to replace it are stupid.

Hear Me Out: We Don’t Need a New Twitter

Nothing actually replicates the crowded-cafeteria-on-Doomsday feeling of several million people screaming over each other while a 24-hour news channel plays in the background.

Its everyone-to-everyone structure meant that fragmented bits of conversation quickly escaped their original context and became ripe for misinterpretation, and its prioritizing of “engagement” meant that pile-ons and arguments were more profitable than any other form of speech.

And one section that seems timely for all online communities :mending_heart:

A blog was typically about something, and comments which were irrelevant or hostile to that subject would be deleted by the blogrunner. Different blogs had different commenting cultures: If a Gawker commenter, an AV Club commenter, and a Feministing commenter walked into a bar, they would quickly discover that they had nothing in common, and a fight might break out. This would hold true even if the three commenters were all the same person, which was the case for me. Different spaces carried different expectations, and gave rise to different versions of the self.

Flash-forward to Twitter, where everyone, from every corner of the old and new Internet, is talking at once, with no shared values, and no widely understood rules as to either style or content, and where even the bare-minimum moderation guidelines against hate speech or threats are very rarely enforced.

Is there anything the Simpsons didn’t predict?


So it’s pronounced Drrrr Pepper?


Mere trifles.

May I present to you the modern marvel of perfection known as Xmas Delight.


Dürr Pepper, the new fragrance from Waco

I’m a Zevia stan at this point. It’s not great, but it’s good when you’re sick of water and coffee.

People in the south drink Dr Pepper hot. It’s truly a Dantian hellscape down there.

Every day we stray farther from God’s light


I forgot to point out that there’s substantial batch to batch variation in Coke. Every once in a while I’ll even get a CFDC that tastes like a botched fountain where the syrup:carbonation is way off (in both directions).