Douchebag 2.0—an Elon Musk company

he’s going full pro-dictator

He’s gonna go full antisemite isn’t he?

Dude he’s tweeting 88 memes.

Still can’t believe he is willing to lose billions just so he can tweet whatever he wants to people that were mean to him on the internet.

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it is totally bizzare. i didn’t live through howard hughes times, but i imagine people were mostly making wtf faces like we are

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The setting-money-on-fire element of this is pretty hard to figure.

Wrong thread but plz delete your accounts. “News” you would have read there will show up other places if not here.

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I wonder if Elon is losing it. This is the exact trajectory of somebody already on the edge getting pushed over by being too online for their own good. The only difference between this and every other sad internet meltdown I’ve seen is his wealth and ownership of the platform.

Oh, please. He went there long ago. He literally believes that he has uploaded his consciousness and “become spedup” or some bullshit like that. He’s a fascist, for all practical purposes.

Caffeine is bitter and negatively impacts the flavor of the drink significantly. Regular Diet Coke tastes awful and I can’t imagine drinking any Coke other than CFDC, preferably after it’s had time to sit for a minute so some of the carbonation can undissolve (it’s harsh and carbonic acid also “colors” the flavor). Slightly flat, slightly chilled CFDC is about as close as you can get to tasting the good flavor component in Coke. The GOAT though is vanilla CFDC you can get from the fancy syrup mixing machines.

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This is the most nuclear hot take I’ve read on this site. Flat caffeine free Diet Coke? Sir. I object


These sodas are all fucking trash-tier garbage. I’d recommend cherry vanilla coca-cola with full caffeine, diet mountain dew, barq’s root beer


Diet Mtn Dew ftw

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Just drink water you fucking animals. Your taste buds will adjust after a couple of weeks.


I get almost no right-wing content in my Twitter feed. I currently only follow 262 accounts, mostly poker, basketball, and left-of-center politics.


I like water but I usually dissolve 8 tablespoons of sugar in it, otherwise its too bland.





idk this was a level or what but people ITT completely mystified by the fact that people drink caffeine-free, sugar-free beverages is one of the weirdest bits we’ve had in a while. Can we all get back to figuring out which anime his toy revolver is from?